Tatsuya Ishida is Right About the Vaccine

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Tatsuya Ishida is Right About the Vaccine

Post by 2TERF2NERF » Sun Nov 28, 2021 9:44 pm

Hi all. I'm a long time reader of the comic (admittedly going back to the problematic pre-radfem days :oops: ) and recently felt that I needed to create an account to defend the author's heroic truth telling about the alleged vaccines being forced on us all. I can no longer idly sit by while certain elements attack him on his comic's own forum. So let me make this clear:

Tasuya Ishida is right about the vaccines, their doubtful and 100% unproven effectiveness against preventing covid, and their unquestionably deadly effects on those who receive them. And we all know it's true.

I'm going to share an anecdote that is sadly going to be very familiar to us all, although you'll never hear about it in the mainstream media. I was at my local grocery store, with a pharmacy attached just before Thanksgiving, and saw a woman in the "Observation Area", slumped in one of the chairs, clearly unconscious, and with blood coming from her tear ducts, with a vial of vaccine still next to her and the needle still stuck in her shoulder! I ran to the pharmacist to alert them and they gave me a look that froze my blood cold before MANsplaining that she was merely experiencing a "normal reaction" to the shot. I asked him what was normal about anything we were seeing and he warned me that spreading vaccine "misinformation" (aka The Truth!) was a crime and that I should be careful people don't get the wrong idea and call the police on me.

AND THEN he looked down at my daughter (don't worry, she's adopted! I would never let a man infect me with his DNA!) gave me the creepiest smile EVER, and asked if I'd heard that vaccines were now approved for children under twelve and if I'd spoken to my doctor about having her vaccinated!!! I have never felt so threatened or unsafe in my life and ran out of there with her as quickly as I could.

What's sad is, we've all seen things like this: people collapsing on the way out of pharmacies, healthy people being diagnosed with terminal cancer only days after receiving the jab, people getting sicker and sicker from the minute they get the shot and never recovering, but everyone is too afraid to mention it!

I cried tears of joy when I read the November 13th strip: Unperson 53. It's the only time I've seen someone acknowledge the deadly effect of these vaccines outside fave to face communication! And the strips likening the vaccine distributing zombies to drug dealers have been spot on! It's being made by the same "doctors" who gleefully tell poor, mentally-ill children that mutilating their bodies is the only cure for what they feel, and they're trying to force this on our children now.

And for anyone who might try to respond with "But people die of covid too!", remember that the vaccine is made with covid virus DNA! So, anytime someone is killed by the vaccine (and it happens a lot!) they'll test positive for covid! And then it gets blamed on a "breakthrough infection"! (As in, hmmmmm, a needle breaking through the skin? :!: )

And how about what the media does tell us: Story after gleeful story of "anti-vaxxers" (aka Patriots) getting covid and winding up on ventilators, which conveniently require them to be sedated and unable to speak or communicate at all! Isn't it a little too convenient that being literally silenced is the "approved treatment"?

I have my own theories on what's motivating the pro-vaccine posting here, which I will save for later. For now, I want to thank Tatsuya Ishida for being courageous enough to post these comics at great personal risk. Please keep up the good work and do not let Them silence you! Arigato, Tatsuya-San! You rock!
I'm not anti-trans, just pro-woman :wink: :mrgreen: :wink: :idea: :wink:

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Re: Tatsuya Ishida is Right About the Vaccine

Post by RikkiTikkiTavi » Mon Nov 29, 2021 3:45 am

Daaannnng 2terf2nerf! Banging second post of yours. Feel like I know you already.

Welcome aboard. Can't wait for post #3.

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Re: Tatsuya Ishida is Right About the Vaccine

Post by Z6IIAB » Mon Nov 29, 2021 6:54 am

Call me Celina. This forum still have a long way to go until it gets filled with its intended public. And I'll do my best to help us reach that goal. I'm a battleaxe, and when you hear my voice it'll be as loud as a thunder and as clear as a blue sky.

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Re: Tatsuya Ishida is Right About the Vaccine

Post by RKA » Mon Nov 29, 2021 4:52 pm

2TERF2NERF wrote:
Sun Nov 28, 2021 9:44 pm
I have my own theories on what's motivating the pro-vaccine posting here, which I will save for later.
I for one am waiting with bated breath to hear your theories on this. Please do tell
I love the art of Sinfest and, whether I agree or disagree with some or all of the message on any given day, how it challenges me to consider and reflect upon my own views and the world around me

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Re: Tatsuya Ishida is Right About the Vaccine

Post by Tanagra » Tue Nov 30, 2021 3:49 am

So you're telling us his comic is just fiction by your own fiction?

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Re: Tatsuya Ishida is Right About the Vaccine

Post by LinguisticTacoXX » Wed Dec 01, 2021 5:43 pm

... I've had enough internet for today.

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Re: Tatsuya Ishida is Right About the Vaccine

Post by 2TERF2NERF » Wed Dec 01, 2021 7:18 pm

RKA wrote:
Mon Nov 29, 2021 4:52 pm
2TERF2NERF wrote:
Sun Nov 28, 2021 9:44 pm
I have my own theories on what's motivating the pro-vaccine posting here, which I will save for later.
I for one am waiting with bated breath to hear your theories on this. Please do tell
Finally got time to address this! Check under "General Discussion" ! :wink:
I'm not anti-trans, just pro-woman :wink: :mrgreen: :wink: :idea: :wink:

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