May 14, 2022: Tribulation 44

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May 14, 2022: Tribulation 44

Post by ZozoCitizen » Sat May 14, 2022 6:55 pm

Retreading old ground. I'm continuously amazed and impressed with Tat's ability to put a comic out every single day. It would be bizarre if he *didn't* repeat himself and frankly he's pretty good about coming at the same topic from another angle. Good discourse often requires repeating the same points and going over them again. You never know what you might have missed or you might decide that you had more to say.

Since the activist here knows Monique personally(?) and is calling her a traitor, does this mean Monique has ties to woke activism as well as radfem? It wasn't really clear the last time we saw Monique protesting. I hope Tat can forgive me, I have difficulty telling the flavors of activist apart. They all kind of blur together. Monique included. I know Monique was running with some rabblerousers in a comic not too long ago and they accused her of being a pawn of The Man™.
Monique looking at the activist is like her gazing into a horribly distorted image in a mirror. They are dressed very similarly. We, the viewer, know that Monique is as sincere as it gets about her commitment to social change but her hideous reflection calls her a traitor to her own cause. The corporate drone coming to her defense makes her look very guilty though. Since she has the drone then I suppose she accepted it from the devil bodyguard. Typical poisoned gift from the Adversary. It managed to help *and* hurt her.

If we could take a step back and view this comic as a visual metaphor for woke activism calling feminist activism out; it makes a lot of sense. The two movements used to have similar goals but are now bitter enemies. The only question is how we choose to interpret exactly what that means. For Tat, I think, he views trans women as frauds. Men putting on an ill-fitting costume like a cartoon villain to invade women's spaces, steal woman's rights, and corrupt female empowerment with male sensibilities. I could be wrong about this take but I think that's where he's at.
Where am I at personally? I don't know. I'm a man. I don't have a dog in this fight. If the trans are joining the patriarchy, nobody told me. It's not like they send out memos. I don't even believe the patriarchy exists. If they do, they're really bad at their supposed mission statement of keeping men in power. It's almost like there is no organized opposition at all against woke people guilting/manipulating their way into positions of influence.

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Re: May 14, 2022: Tribulation 44

Post by JustaComment » Tue May 17, 2022 6:24 am

Oh, there is plenty of opposition. Fox News is opposed to woke. Plenty of voiced opposition to woke opinions. That's always been there.

It has been muffled a lot but it's been there.

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Re: May 14, 2022: Tribulation 44

Post by ZozoCitizen » Thu May 19, 2022 2:12 am

I suppose you're right. I guess it's just not necessarily the opposition I would want. Haha. Fox News is not exactly a bastion of integrity. No source of news seems to be. If only villains would conveniently wear black hats/devil horns and the good guys were all virtuous and incorruptible. If only.

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