May 19, 2022: Groominati

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May 19, 2022: Groominati

Post by BabyFem » Wed May 18, 2022 10:57 pm


Can we PLEASE talk about how badass this mama is? I really appreciate seeing Tats pointing out how the media and schools are grooming our kids with these different agendas. And I agree with his point that Disney, Pornhub, Teen Vogue, and TikTok are part of the problem.

If he ever reads this forum, I want to give him a suggestion to some strips. Maybe this mama can join an underground system of parents and other concerned adults that are combatting the grooming of these various entities. Almost like the Sisterhood except its own thing. And who knows? Maybe the league of concerned adults and parents could join forces with the Sisterhood to fight against the forces that be and help to achieve some sort of victory, even if short-lived as I assume this comic isn't supposed to have any real happy ending since real life isn't the utopia we wish it would be.

What do the rest of you think?

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Re: May 19, 2022: Groominati

Post by ZozoCitizen » Thu May 19, 2022 2:23 am

This mom is definitely a poster woman for all concerned parents everywhere. She's a very positive figure. The generic-ness of her design I guess is meant to make her more of an everylady.

I like the very unsubtle jab at Disney.

Tat does what he wants. That's for sure. None can deny it. Given the nature of the comic I agree that it seems unlikely that happy endings are possible. Only happy moments.

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Re: May 19, 2022: Groominati

Post by Russly » Mon May 23, 2022 11:56 am

First rule of forum: Tat reads every post. I need not say the second rule. We on the forum fear the ban hammer just as any good God fearing reader would in Sinfest. The way Tat will 'talk' to us these days is essentially through the comic itself. I'm fairly certain he legit will throw a strip in the very next day as a response to certain comments. He learned long ago not to engage in his own forum directly-- don't get high on your own supply.

The one problem with regard to the mom is she risks being a Karen. I think it's possibly avoidable. The correct way to avoid that of course is to pray that her name isn't actually Karen. And in any event, I would note the ability for Nique to grab her shadow (who knows what its name may be...?) implies Slick may have a conversation with Sleaze. That and Miko still having the long hair along with Monique's shadow while Monique herself remains short haired.


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Re: May 19, 2022: Groominati

Post by ZozoCitizen » Wed May 25, 2022 2:27 am

He does!? Dang. I mean, yeah, obviously this is his forum but I guess I didn't expect him to be eyeballing things here quite so closely. Then again maybe it makes sense. Things are easy to keep track of now. The lions share of the fandom moved on a long time ago. Traditional forums going out of style probably didn't help.
In any case... I'm not worried. I'm no troll and I believe in everything I say. If I get banned? Oh well. I'll just accept it.

Slick having a conversation with Sleaze? I thought they shared a body. He can only see Sleaze in the mirror and is usually confused/troubled by what he sees. Nique's shadow is definitely a similar entity, but at least it's something outside of her. I wonder if that represents that Slick is oblivious to his faults whereas Nique is well aware of her evils and shortcomings.

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Re: May 19, 2022: Groominati

Post by Russly » Wed May 25, 2022 1:07 pm

I'm not entirely concerned either.

And even worse, what if that means Slick has a shadow in addition to Sleaze and Nique has her own Sleaze in addition to her shadow?! Just kidding that would be a bit over the top, maybe not impossible but the reason why for now I just consider her shadow to be her equivalent of Sleaze.


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