Talk about the comic
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Post by bcasan » Sun Jun 05, 2022 10:04 pm


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Post by ZozoCitizen » Mon Jun 06, 2022 12:23 am

There's no need to shout.

Just some ice
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Post by Just some ice » Sat Jul 02, 2022 10:11 am

And #1 male ally still has nothing to say about the SCOTUS abortion.

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Post by ZozoCitizen » Sat Jul 02, 2022 12:50 pm

Just some ice wrote:
Sat Jul 02, 2022 10:11 am
And #1 male ally still has nothing to say about the SCOTUS abortion.
Tat is mostly silent except for his art. I don't know what people expect. For him to issue a personal statement? That's not gonna happen. Its never happened before. About anything.
He's also a man. So a lot of feminists would say he shouldn't have an opinion about abortion. That he doesn't have the right. The only thing he's allowed to do is parrot whatever they tell him to, of course. The problem is that there are different flavors of feminist saying different things. So it's not a question of whether he's an ally or not but what faction he's an ally to in particular. Different factions will demand different things from him. His silence suggests his radfem overlords (overladies?) have commanded that he is 'not allowed' to have a say or that there are conflicting interests at work.

So I guess some people are waiting for a comic about it. There's a couple obstacles to that comic getting made though. The main thrust of Tat's arguments these days seems to be "Woke Culture is bad." He has that bone in his mouth and he is not letting it go. He will not be distracted by anything else, no matter what the current big issue is. Which, you know, fair enough. Is he really obligated to come forward on absolutely everything that happens? Why ride to a battle on foreign ground when it will probably accomplish nothing related to your current goals?
Another obstacle is figuring out how to make such a comic amusing or at least sort of impactful. There's a creative element there. I know Tat churns these comics out every damn day like an unstoppable machine but lets give him some credit for being a human with limits. Maybe he doesn't have any ideas on the subject.
There's also the handful of detractors like yourself who are needling him by saying "Do it. Come on. Say something. Say anything so we can criticize your take. You owe us a take because we say so." He doesn't owe you or anyone anything. He can do whatever he wants. Honestly it's probably smarter to say nothing at all. Whether it's intentional on his part or not, it's always wise to fight the battles you're sure you can win and avoid all others. His silence is an intelligent choice in this case.

Just some ice
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Post by Just some ice » Sat Jul 02, 2022 7:54 pm

He constantly makes comics about current events, but never this one. His "radfem overladies" have a LOT to say about this enslavement of women, and most of them have abandoned the forum lately. He constantly gets 'distracted' by current meme and makes comics about wars and school shootings.

But then the main thrust of his arguments have been "Radfem to Alt-right" pipeline, and he hasn't been subtle about his transition from feminist to neo-nazi sympathizer. Most of the current events he covers are from the lies told to him by the Alt-right blogosphere. He's embraced anti-semitism, white nationalism, and hatred as these fascists explain white nationalist terrorists are actually patriots or that a war started by an ethno-nationalist Russia is the fault of America. And now here we are with a landmark court case that's going to kill and enslave a looooooot of women and he just can't say anything. Nothing at all while MRAs happily populate his forum and his twitter feed.

The irony is hilarious, as is the fact that the people he's uncritically listening to would very much like to kill him for being Asian.

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Post by ZozoCitizen » Sun Jul 03, 2022 1:00 am

Just some ice wrote:
Sat Jul 02, 2022 7:54 pm
He constantly makes comics about current events, but never this one. His "radfem overladies" have a LOT to say about this enslavement of women, and most of them have abandoned the forum lately. He constantly gets 'distracted' by current meme and makes comics about wars and school shootings.

But then the main thrust of his arguments have been "Radfem to Alt-right" pipeline, and he hasn't been subtle about his transition from feminist to neo-nazi sympathizer. Most of the current events he covers are from the lies told to him by the Alt-right blogosphere. He's embraced anti-semitism, white nationalism, and hatred as these fascists explain white nationalist terrorists are actually patriots or that a war started by an ethno-nationalist Russia is the fault of America. And now here we are with a landmark court case that's going to kill and enslave a looooooot of women and he just can't say anything. Nothing at all while MRAs happily populate his forum and his twitter feed.

The irony is hilarious, as is the fact that the people he's uncritically listening to would very much like to kill him for being Asian.
Sinfest has a history of losing large chunks of its fanbase then building up a new one. Maybe we're in a new era of that. Tat is definitely a person who is not afraid to shift his views and the professional consequences be damned. In a way I kind of respect the heart-on-his-sleeve honesty rather than soulless pandering to a demographic in order to make money and accrue clout. He really doesn't give a shit what other people think about him. I like that.
I agree he's moved far Right but perhaps a decade from now he will be on the Left again. Who knows. Maybe in his mind, he's still on the Left even now.

Whoa! Neo-nazi!? That's a serious accusation. Is there proof of this? To my knowledge Tat never posts anywhere or communicates with anyone directly. There is just the comic. That's it. I've never seen anything that would indicate he's not just Rightwing but Alt-right. Please post the relevant comic(s) if you could. It would be quite the revelation.
I also haven't seen anything in the comic that directs hatred specifically towards Jewish people. Not sure where that claim comes from. Perhaps you have knowledge I don't. As far as I can tell he's currently attempting to criticize the government, the Woke, and men who exploit women. He's been strangely kind to the Rightwing, but also portrays them as foolish conspiracy nuts.

Kill and enslave women. I see. That's one helluva take. I should mention that I'm pro-abortion if I can be said to have a stance at all. I think you're being dramatic though. Good lord. It's not enslavement to ban abortion. That's just not true. Where the hell do you get that? I do agree that some women will die without easier access to the healthcare they need and that's messed up enough by itself without making any outrageous false claims.
The truth is that in blue states not much will change. Abortions will remain legal in those places. Not much will change in some red states. Abortions were already banned in a few before all this. The battleground 'swing' states seem to be the most affected. I feel really bad for the women (and couples not ready for kids) who have been put into a bad situation by this whole thing.
I can't help but wonder if this isn't about religion, morality, or even money... but is part of a larger game. An attempt to push Leftwingers and Rightwingers to move to the states that favor their ideology. Probably just me overthinking it. Most people can't afford to make such a move in any case.

This forum is dead. No one is populating it. It's a handful of old fans popping in once in a great while. I'm not a MRA and I don't think Russly is either and we seem to be the only real regulars lately. So I'm not sure who you're talking about. Except perhaps a few random posts by people who drift in and then are never seen again. Like you.

Hilarious? I don't believe that because I don't believe Tat is all the things you say he is. I mean, granted, I do not know him personally. I sincerely doubt you know him either though. You're pretty obviously making a bunch of wild assumptions about the personal beliefs of an artist based on your own interpretations of what some comic characters have said/done. I'm all for criticizing Tat but let's be sane about it. You sound like a lunatic with some of these claims. Where is the proof? If you've actually got it then sure, pass me a torch and a pitchfork, but I seriously don't think you do.

Just some ice
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Post by Just some ice » Sun Jul 03, 2022 4:17 pm

Sure thing, Sea-lion. I'll play a round of dishonesty circles.

The Alt-right nonsense is all over, not the least his "groomer" comments that come straight from the latest wave of libel from the Gross Old Pedophile party. The whole portrayal of "Woke Culture" is just a series of Alt-right fabrications.

Tats' antisemitism tropes start subtle with rothschilds and Jew Bankers to globalists to star of david mind control

Then there's Clown World, which has a history as stupid as the other memes.

Banning abortion and forcing women to carry an unwanted fetus is Forced Labor (dark pun intended) which is a more-than-fair synonym for slavery. Just because you don't LIKE the connotations or how on-the-nose it is doesn't change that. As for death well, let's add the parts you're intentionally leaving out. Along with making healthcare "harder" it also straight-up outlaws quite a bit of healthcare. Liars who lie have already created situations where doctors cannot save a woman's life (or have to delay treating an agonizing condition) because of imaginary fetal heartbeats or literally no legal exceptions for removing an already-dead fetus from a bleeding uterus. THEN we open up the book labeled "#1 cause-of-death for pregnant women is murder because someone didn't want them to be pregnant."

"I can't help but wonder if this isn't about religion, morality, or even money... but is part of a larger game."
Racism. The larger game was racism. Abortion was not a topic that mattered (and churches did not engage in ecumenical activities) until Bob Jones university was forced to racially integrate. It was a manufactured moral panic to get the right-wing sheep together under a banner that wasn't openly racist.

And then you go straw-manning. You're the only one playing a mind-reading game here, slugger. I'm just pointing out what has been said. But feel free to ark about how you've been unfailingly polite.

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Post by ZozoCitizen » Mon Jul 04, 2022 2:18 am

Sea-Lion? We're on a forum. Having a discussion. There's nothing to do but ask questions and talk about stuff. You want me to nod my head and say "Uh-huh" to everything you or anyone else says? That sounds real productive. Is that what you want? An echo chamber? I'm not trolling or putting on some dumb fake politeness act. I *really* want to hear what you have to say. I really do. I'm interested. I'm not going to blindly accept anything you say with no hesitation or doubt, but I'm interested.
It's completely inactive on here so I'm willing to talk to anyone about anything, really. You act like I'm giving you a hard time just to be a big ol' jerk and for no other reason.

I think Tat is pretty on the nose about woke culture, whatever else his failings might be. Which, in all fairness to your claims, maybe he's not as innocent as I thought he was. You're clearly super biased but that doesn't mean you're wrong.

You know I really didn't believe you'd cite examples and here you are with some. I owe you an apology. Since you went to the trouble I feel kinda bad that I don't draw the same conclusions from them that you did. Kinda.
The Fallen State 16 strip is certainly a possible allusion to Jewish people, but it's not conclusive. It only mentions bankers. Why does a banker have to be Jewish? 'Cause it's a stereotype? I mean, maybe? The very next comic (Fallen State 17) seems to be parodying Klaus Schwab. So there is a German connection. The previous comic has a book that references the Bilderberg group. There might be something here but none of this is enough for me to say with conviction: "Oh shit. Tat hates Jewish people."
Tribulation 4. Globalist = Jewish? I'm not saying I agree with Tat's point of view here (if it's even his view at all and not just a character being a character) but I don't see how this definitely makes him a Nazi. There's nothing damning here.
Fallen State 33. Took me awhile to find it. That's not the Star of David. Looks like a cog to me. Unless you mean the regular star shape. This one is a true reach.
This is your evidence? Tat is an anti-semite because of these. For real? You're gonna have to do way better than that to convince anyone. Much less me.

Ah. So it was a messed up play on words. I see. You're right I don't like it. I don't like it at all.

That sounds like a conspiracy theory but I can't exactly refute it anymore than you can prove it. Maybe it's true. I don't believe you're correct though.

Straw-manning. Jesus. We're internet-ing now. I'm tempted to write something snarky back and call you "Bucko" or "Friendo" as I do so. Why bother. My ego isn't that massive. I'll take an L if I have to. The buck stops here. Am I unfailingly polite? Hell no. I can be a total ass. Can't we all? Yet I'm Prince goddamn Charming compared to plenty of others. I try really hard to understand the people I'm put in opposition of, be friendly, and have productive exchanges. Doesn't always work out.
From my perspective, how could have I approached you (or anyone) in a way that doesn't provoke hostility given the subject? Grovel, perhaps? Meekly agree but ask for clarification? I won't. I have too much self-respect. Can't we talk as equals? Are there any bridges that haven't been burned? I DON'T want to play this shitty little game of one-upmanship simply because I'm on the opposite side of an argument online. I'm fed up with playing it. I don't hate you, okay? I don't think you're crazy. I never did. I just couldn't believe the things you were saying.
I like arguing and learning but I don't like insults. Don't get me wrong, my feelings don't get hurt, I only lose interest. It's a pointless exercise. I don't feel any sense of superiority or victory from making people upset. I'm mystified by people who do. As soon as someone resorts to childish name calling I simply stop talking to them. I'm very easy to get rid of that way.

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