Is there any way to bring back the light-heartedness?

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Re: I miss Sinfest

Post by paradoctor » Sun Oct 28, 2018 1:02 pm

Z6IIAB wrote:
paradoctor wrote:Antiporn plus pro-feminism; though that combination exists nowhere on actual Earth.
Plus, saying that oppressing porn is oppressing women, and THAT goes hand-in-hand... yeah, you're gross for dismissing the research and the experience of thousands of women.

Anyways, the forum is not meant for conservatives like you. So... bye.

A forum is meant for all who join. Also, I am not a 'conservative'; or at least, not in the Orwellian sense now common. If I err, then state a valid argument against me. Let us reason together.

Specifically; where is there a society which heavily regulates images of women that does not also heavily regulate women themselves? I am open to suggestions.

There do exist societies that (ostensibly) suppress porn and (genuinely) oppress women. American red states, Moslem theocracies, and so on. There exist societies that (genuinely) express porn and (ostensibly) liberate women. American blue states, Scandinavian social democracies, and so on. There exist societies that (genuinely) express porn and (genuinely) oppress women. Japan, for instance. But please find for us an example of the fourth combination; a society that (ostensibly) suppresses porn, and also (ostensibly) liberates women.

BTW: I say 'ostensibly' suppress porn, because such rules are routinely hypocritical; rich men can always get whatever pictures they want. The Invisible Hand of the Market is quicker than the All-Seeing Eye of the State. Women's liberation is also ostensible, for liberation itself is usually ostensible; for freedom is a mystery and a struggle.

As for why option 4 does not exist in the space-time continuum, and only in the dreams of utopians: perhaps this has something to do with male psychology. If the pictures have cooties, then so do the women. I'm not saying this is an ideal reality, I'm saying this is a reality.

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Post by Z6IIAB » Sun Oct 28, 2018 2:30 pm

Not this forum. This forum is meant for the anti-porn, anti-prostitution feminists and radical feminists that the first forum silenced, mocked, attacked and shoved away. Get your story straight before building your strawmen and faux analogies.

"July 1, 2018
Take The Long Way Home
Posted by Tatsuya Ishida

I'm launching a new forum for people who like the message of my comic.

The new forum will be anti-pornography, anti-prostitution.

It will favor the radical feminist perspective over a liberal or conservative one.

So if you'd like to participate in a forum environment more in harmony with the comic, I invite you to join.

Call me Celina. This forum still have a long way to go until it gets filled with its intended public. And I'll do my best to help us reach that goal. I'm a battleaxe, and when you hear my voice it'll be as loud as a thunder and as clear as a blue sky.

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Post by Z6IIAB » Sun Oct 28, 2018 2:31 pm

If you want to claim bullshit "fauxmenism" here, be prepared to have a fight, cause we won't shut up, we won't abide and we will NOT be silenced again. Not here. Not now.
Call me Celina. This forum still have a long way to go until it gets filled with its intended public. And I'll do my best to help us reach that goal. I'm a battleaxe, and when you hear my voice it'll be as loud as a thunder and as clear as a blue sky.

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Rogue Kitty
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Re: I miss Sinfest

Post by Rogue Kitty » Sun Oct 28, 2018 11:03 pm

paradoctor wrote:If the pictures have cooties, then so do the women. I'm not saying this is an ideal reality, I'm saying this is a reality.
Women have been suppressed and subverted for centuries. Until recently, women didn't have many life choices, they were either wives/widows, nuns or whores. Even then, some women that should have been "safe" were sexually exploited. Wives/widows, whores and nuns were raped, men kept mistresses and young girls were basically traded to much older men.

Even today, girls are taught that the only thing they're good for is sex. They're pressured to be skinny and wear skimpy clothes. It's all over the media, on television shows, commercials, magazines and the internet.

In some cases, those pictures may have even been taken of an unknowing victim of a hidden camera.

THAT'S the reality. THAT'S what we're fighting against, so piss off.

Joined:Fri Nov 16, 2018 4:30 am

Post by Geist » Sat Nov 17, 2018 10:50 pm

I personally love the way the comic has evolved, as I used to enjoy Sinfest in spite of the sexist stuff that was in it, not because of it. I always saw it as fodder for when the author ran out of interesting things to say.

Plus the strip's evolution brought us Vainglorious who is honestly my favourite character overall. Lots of light hearted moments from him.

BTW the link to the old forum is disabled, and it's tough to find the link to this one. Dunno if it's on purpose but it's kind of annoying.

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