June 20, 2019: Threats 8

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Re: June 20, 2019: Threats 8

Post by Kat » Tue Jun 25, 2019 7:55 pm

CopperRose wrote:
Thu Jun 20, 2019 10:54 am
I don't know what to say, except this gave me the chills.

"An identity to be worn by men." I never saw it that way...
It is a very chilling thing.

Some varieties of this "identity wearing" are more bizarre than others.

Have you ever seen the articles about "rubber dolling"?

Be warned, I think it is disturbing in an Ed Gein/"Texas Chainsaw Massacre" kind of way.

I will post a link to an article I found about it.

https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/m ... le-3808454

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Re: June 20, 2019: Threats 8

Post by CopperRose » Wed Jun 26, 2019 7:56 am

Kat wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2019 7:55 pm
CopperRose wrote:
Thu Jun 20, 2019 10:54 am
I don't know what to say, except this gave me the chills.

"An identity to be worn by men." I never saw it that way...
It is a very chilling thing.

Some varieties of this "identity wearing" are more bizarre than others.

Have you ever seen the articles about "rubber dolling"?

Be warned, I think it is disturbing in an Ed Gein/"Texas Chainsaw Massacre" kind of way.

I will post a link to an article I found about it.

https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/m ... le-3808454
Getting some Jame Gumb/ Buffalo Bill vibes from this article.

The idea the corporate world/media/patriarchy is cashing in on transpeople and making it out that anyone can wake up one day and be transsexual for a day downplays the actual concerns and struggles that genuine transpeople face with on a day to day basis. And while media exposure has brought transsexual awareness to the masses, and that’s a great thing, it also seems to also be fetish and marketed as the “flavor of the week” to cisgenders which I don’t like.

The idea that a heterosexual cis male can put on “girl face” [think blackface] just so he can go undetected in women space with the intention of male gazing or something more sinister is a terrifying thought. He’s not really Transsexual, he just using the identity to gain access to women spaces whenever he feels like it and, no one will question him because that will make them look like bigots. Hence, the chills I got from this comic.

Seriously, how many transmen would be upset if I said that I can be a man whenever like, as if it’s a change of clothes? I feel like “one of the boys” today and this will give me access to men space. Meanwhile, the BORN transman do not see it as fad or something to wear when the mood strikes him and is struggling to have people identify him as such. He wants to be accepted in men space but because I’m treating his identity like a new pair of shoes, no one will take either of us seriously.

I don’t mean to offend any transsexual people reading this. I’m cisgender and can’t not say I know what you go through on a regular basis. But it’s just an observation. Transsexuality has been around since the dawn of time, it’s not new. But, the media/corporate/patriarchy is branding it so they can get rich and gain "access" while Tina Brandon died for this.

I don’t know if that’s what Tat is saying in this arc or not. Again, sorry if I offended anyone.
She works hard for the money.

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Re: June 20, 2019: Threats 8

Post by betterway » Wed Jun 26, 2019 9:04 am

What you're describing is transmedicalism, something mainstream LGBT discourse already rejects consciously. Many women are saying transsexuality is nothing to deifiy because it still relies on stereotypes (and not just for dress-- e.g. "women have high voices so I must get voice feminization surgery/training" when many women have medium to low voices) for... I'd say all transsexual-identified people now and in history. I see these women as asking: is it not a disorder, to have delusions about reality that cause you to change your body? Is respecting these delusions not upholding gender socialization of ideal male and female behavior, the main lever of men's oppression of women?

I don't know the answers myself. I just think ignoring these questions will look silly down the line.

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Re: June 20, 2019: Threats 8

Post by CopperRose » Wed Jun 26, 2019 9:26 am

I didn't think about that. I admit I'm still learning.

This just make it more terrible for transpeople. They also have to adhere to the stereotypical idealistic female form and femininity rather than how they wish to look for themselves. Like you said, high pitched-voice. But then slender-hourglass figure, long hair, smooth facial features, stereotypical female mannerisms.

However, in latter comics all these people are asking women to "validate them" their gender and who they are when, it's the patriarchy who had set the bar and not the women/feminists of the comic. By asking women is that enforcing that we acknowledge and accept these stereotypes as truth and how one should be and, the x-gender person is now duped into believing so? This is sad, they do not need "Validation. Am I doing it right, ma'am? Will my looks and mannerisms be acceptable to the menfolk?" to be accepted for who they are.

I'm sure the pressure is on the transman too. Tall, face of a Chad, body of a Athlete. Deep voice, facial hair and reassignment surgery...the biggest penis they got! Financially successful, attractive to the ladies, machismo to the roof! Because to society, this is what a real-acceptable man is.
She works hard for the money.

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Re: June 20, 2019: Threats 8

Post by RikkiTikkiTavi » Wed Jun 26, 2019 12:42 pm

It's hard to express how I feel about this 'rubber dolling'. I mean - ugh - gross - not for me, but really is it worse than a transvestite wearing women's clothing and hoping to 'pass' in order to play out some sort of fantasy - sexual or otherwise. They do after all make a suit that has a penis so a woman could pass as a man at a urinal - or at least that is what the article said. Don't know what kind of plumbing they include...

In time those rubber suits are going to become more sophisticated and maybe that will be an option for the people seeking to 'change' their sex without resorting to mutilating surgery. At least that would be a little better.

Yet, the whole issue remains about humanity deciding that our birth and our physical selves are somehow wrong. Wrong enough to fake a change and willing to die instead of develop our character of being or to strike out against what is really oppressing us. Gender roles.

No one is born the wrong sex - gender roles are not the same as our sex. Girls can like other colors than pink. Boys can like other colors than blue. Play with the toys you want to play with. Wear makeup or don't. Don't equate a person's sex with how they act. A stereotype is not a real person.

Gender roles can be changed so that they allow each person to express the unique character that is a representation of their inner most being. Please let us come to that conclusion instead of hacking off parts of of ourselves and then adopting a stereotypical persona.

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