He's losing it

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Re: He's losing it

Post by JustaComment » Mon May 09, 2022 7:35 am

I think you are too worried about the artist's state and are missing his point.

His comic continues with awesomeness.

Come rejoice with us that Twitter is free and the country is better for it.

It appears those against tweet freedom are voicing such much like the large companies that benefited from the censure.

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Re: He's losing it

Post by Russly » Mon May 09, 2022 10:52 am

Exactly, a lot of users on here are paradoxically concerned about his state of mind and also the whole ban hammer issue maybe then scared the forum into a rather totalitarian format. I can feel the irony in how this, the most radical of forums, is now the least freeform. It's pretty clear however, when the comic hits the mark, it really hits the mark. But only for those who see the forest for the trees perhaps. Anyway Musk's cocaine line has to be where it all ended for me.


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Re: He's losing it

Post by ZozoCitizen » Mon May 09, 2022 5:53 pm

Tat! You're a renegade folk hero again! Last time I was here, years ago, the comic had descended into a dark and terrible age of simping for feminists. Now I find you mocking the woke. What a redemption story.

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Re: He's losing it

Post by Russly » Wed May 11, 2022 4:15 pm

We all know he still believes in Radfem though.... Just look at today's strip.... But at least by now he seems to willing to joke about himself again. I agree that's a good sign at least.


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Re: He's losing it

Post by ZozoCitizen » Thu May 12, 2022 3:35 am

Ah. Yes. I'm getting that now the more I become caught up with the strips. It's interesting that Tat can separate woke-ness and feminism. As it was arguably feminist ideas that created it. It's *their* monster. Not mens. Straight men are the devil/scapegoat of both groups. We can do no right in their eyes.

Trans people being the patriarchy is, I must admit, not the take I was expecting. From uh... anyone. Anywhere.

I have a ton of respect for Tat. He's a machine. Professional, consistent, talented, driven. A great man worthy of admiration. I didn't abandon the fandom years ago because I lost respect for him. Not at all. I still respect him to this day. I left because I saw no point in hanging around just to be insulted over and over by hardline "Men are evil!" feminist talking points. Haha.
If he's going to insult everyone though... well that's a little different. I'm here for that.

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Re: He's losing it

Post by Russly » Fri May 13, 2022 11:26 pm

Yeah he manages to get through his phases alright. Like woah that's out there to consider that the future is only part female. In any event trans people are enough of the time only trans for their various personal reasons, and the problem is some of them get out of those phases, and some of then don't, at which point they remain stuck in whatever part of that phase for long enough to consume their entire life. One meme stated a girl that became a guy just to be insulted less over their weight. It worked I guess.


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