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Just a Question

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2019 12:22 am
by BabyFem
I'm asking this question to the author of Sinfest but also anyone else reading the thread I guess.

I still love Sinfest and the messages it gets across, but I wonder if there are going to be more redemption arcs for some of the not-so-moral characters? Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part, but I wonder if perhaps one day Sam may be able to change from the person he has become (or maybe who he has always been) into a more moral character. Liberty and him don't have to get back together necessarily, but it would be nice to possibly see them work together somehow in tearing down the immoral and awful parts of the society in which they live.

Again, might just be wishful thinking on my part, but I think more redemption arcs at some point would be super awesome. What do the rest of you think about this?

Re: Just a Question

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2019 3:27 am
by Velgar
Slick and Squigley have had their kinda-sorta redemption arcs. They're more "well, not so bad now, right?" -kinda decadent and sleazy.

For Sam there is some real regret going on on the background (like seen in today's comic), but I'm thinking we'll only get to see him redeemed when the actual Sam gets his sh*t together and stops being such an ass towards the actual Liberties.

Would kinda fit the going of the comic that Sam won't get a break in the comic as long as the actual Murica stays orange.

But to more personally answer your question: Yes, I'd like some of those arcs too. But the redemption need to be earned. Why I said Slick and Squigley "kinda" had theirs arcs, 'cose they just threw a bunch of junk out after "seeing the light" and just flipped from one to two. Heck, we even have the Devil-Slick showcasing that it ain't just that easy. They still have some way to go.

Re: Just a Question

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2019 6:40 pm
BabyFem wrote:
Sat Nov 09, 2019 12:22 am
I'm asking this question to the author of Sinfest but also anyone else reading the thread I guess.

I still love Sinfest and the messages it gets across, but I wonder if there are going to be more redemption arcs for some of the not-so-moral characters? Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part, but I wonder if perhaps one day Sam may be able to change from the person he has become (or maybe who he has always been) into a more moral character. Liberty and him don't have to get back together necessarily, but it would be nice to possibly see them work together somehow in tearing down the immoral and awful parts of the society in which they live.

Again, might just be wishful thinking on my part, but I think more redemption arcs at some point would be super awesome. What do the rest of you think about this?
I think the ideas the comic brings are more important than redemming characters just because they could be likeable. Sinfest is currently doing a good job in tackling some current issues throught a radical feminist perspective, even if it's not popular with the post-modernist agenda. I say if you like the message the comic brings keep reading it and let's see where this goes.