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Who's Still Friends with Who again?

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 12:13 am
by LoneCourier6
So okay, things have been going on for awhile, everyone's been isolated honestly...And I and probably some other people could use a refresher, who is still actually friends with who? As in who still actively hang outs with who? For example? We know Slick and Squigley still hang out with each other, they're still friends, but they used to hang out with Criminy, and Criminy we know hangs out with Fuchsia and is basically all but her boyfriend at this point unless things have changed there...Shit I just realized we haven't seen Criminy in *ages* but honestly...That might be for the best...Would rather that Criminy's character doesn't get hamfistedly assassinated.
I know Monique is dating Absinthe, and Absinthe is vaguely connected with Tange and Little E through Devil Corp, but is Monique friends with Tange and Little E?

Seymour doesn't really have friends...Never has, looks like he might befriend 2021?

Little E has Tange of course, and their hacked Eye Bot

The Rogue Fembots have each other, the Sisterhood have each other, but I wouldn't say they have friends beyond that.

We haven't seen Budha in years, same with Jesus and the last appearance of the Dragon,well I'm not sure if it's even the same Dragon, Milton is the sad lonely nerd who tries to build himself new friends but runs into the problem of AI Rights and shit...

I'm probably missing some characters, it's a long running comic, but I wanna know what your opinions are on the friendships within Sinfest and how they've developed, how they've fallen apart, how they've deepened.

Re: Who's Still Friends with Who again?

Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 9:30 am
by Russly
I was going to mention in the other post, the reason Squig is also at the factory is because Uncle Sam took his busking money. Except Uncle Sam took his work money too so it makes no difference. I think he's there only for Slick and, as we can see, neither of them have even been at work lately. Crim is officially with Fuschia and Nique with Abby, and they're all friends yeah. Crim is friends with Slick and Squig still, Fuschia doesn't exactly mind them or anything, nor does Abby really. Nique is the one because, as mentioned in the other thread, really she and Slick broke up long ago, and he has a lot of work before they're able to remain friends.

In fact Crim is on the back burner precisely because he was the character who got the ball rolling by reaching out to Fuschia. That was when people started to change camps. So his role isn't exactly that major for this period at least. Basically everyone's friends except Blue and D Man are working together and Blue does miss Fuschia.

Slick's efforts to befriend the Sisterhood seem earnest, but it's Slick and he's got Sleaze to deal with. It's the same dragon. Religious figures are iffy because they are the true story of SINfest. They arrive during actual change. But you know who you actually have to watch out for is Amber-- she's who could get in the way of Crim and Fuschia.

What we will likely see is the ongoing fallibility of the Sisterhood. They have been portrayed at the end all be all except they weren't and closed shop. Aunt Kate, like Amber, is the character lying in wait. Vainglorious never actually does anything other than troll, which thankfully may stay that way even though he's ready to fight.

Plus, the Sisterhood does Squig a solid or two on occasion. So they aren't exactly in the opposite camp. As mentioned in another thread, the real fight is between D Man and literally everyone else. And that's just it, right? He is the only -active- religious figure in Sinfest and has been for quite some time. The others show up when the world itself makes the changes.

I wouldn't mind seeing Legion show up sometime, or the Porn Church Guy. I bet way further down the road of the two Legion would be who has any change of heart, probably in relation to Sapphire.
