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February 17,18,19 2000: Calligraphy 1, 2, & You Had to be there (A Retrospective)

Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 7:29 pm
by LoneCourier6

So here we have the beginning of 2 One off Strips that Tat used to do every so often, to my knowledge we haven't had a Calligraphy or You had to be there in awhile, but with You Had To Be There, I suppose you could say that it applies to these older strips too, whether or not you like them or not really depends on what you come here for, me myself? I am terrible at explaining what I mean and have a talent for digging myself into a deeper hole, so I've never really been one to get into Political or Ideological discussions because I am inevitably going to make an Ass out of myself with a wonderful Foot Sandwich and that's probably how I got banned and mistaken as a Troll in the first place. As a Straight Nonconservative LGBTQ+ friendly White Male, I'm probably the exact opposiote of who Sinfest is meant for right now, doesn't mean I can't be civil, I can't be polite...I'm here because I enjoy hosting this Retrospective, and enjoying the Older Things in Life with you guys, and to get involved discussions that hopefully won't get me account banned again ^^;

But as always this is your Retrospective Host Courier, saying Good Night Friends, Sleep Well, I'll most likely be banned in the morning.(Especially after that admission :( )

Re: February 17,18,19 2000: Calligraphy 1, 2, & You Had to be there (A Retrospective)

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 3:43 am
by RikkiTikkiTavi
I love the calligraphy ones. I think I might have started becoming a regular reader based on seeing one of those in the comics. Very nice to see the origin of that.

From Tats posts about who should be in this forum:
My priority here in the opening days of this forum is to establish a community that takes a strong stance against the sexual exploitation industries. And to foster an environment that's friendly to radical feminists and people who support radical feminism.

If I determine you're not here in good faith, that you're here to undermine these goals, I will deactivate your account.
And also:
You have entered a space clearly marked for radical feminists, for anti-pornography, anti-prostitution viewpoints...
So, we are not required to be radical feminists - as long as we are seeking to uphold the values of the forum and are not trying to undermine the goals - we are welcome.