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You're so vain...

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 12:21 pm
you probably think the strips are about you
Nobody Important wrote:And most of the people criticizing Tat aren't straight men, so the likelihood of them being 'Johnbies' is unlikely.
you're so vain!
Dana the Splendiferous Cat wrote:On the plus side, it's rather hard to get offended by such weak and laughable caricatures. Why yes, Tat. Go on about those brainless dudebros who are even remotely aware of what a SWERF is. A term which is almost exclusively used in feminist circles and by people with an interest in intersectional feminism as a criticism of your particular brand of retrograde ideology [...]
sooo vaaaiiinnn!!
Dana the Splendiferous Cat wrote:[...]And definitely the only reason anyone could have to criticizing you is because they themselves partake of the services offered by the sex industry. And absolutely not because they feel you're ignorant and rejecting the input and contributions of sex workers in the conversation and that while some of your goals are laudable and desirable your actual position is [...]
I'll betcha you think the strips are about you!
ChastMastr wrote:So, we're Johnbies, I guess? :/ Yay.
don't you
Leohan wrote:He is literally using the classic, time tested playground rhetoric of "repeating what you said in a stupid voice." So fucking petty.
don't yooouuu
Nevamore wrote:Since Tat seems to equate the feelings expressed in this forum with the Johnbies, I would love to see a female Johnbie (Janebie?), since a majority of the people in this forum who are anti-SWERF are woman.

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 5:30 pm

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 7:39 pm
by progan01
Most people looking into a mirror see somebody else.