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October 22, 2021: Unperson 31

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2021 2:46 pm
by Russly

I called it, he stopped taking the comic as seriously! Viva La Resistance!


Re: October 22, 2021: Unperson 31

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 4:03 pm
I agree, for I also think that resistence is particularly silly. Waiting to see where Tat goes with this.

Re: October 22, 2021: Unperson 31

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2021 6:33 am
by Pun Gent
I have been confused for months about what the point of the comic has become. Many folks I know stopped reading it long ago, since they felt the the creator had lost his way. The rendering is wonderful, but I have a lot of trouble relating to the characters and I am mystified to the intent anymore. Life isn't black and white, Good VS Evil, and the colors are far more interesting than mere shades of grey morality. However, when Tatsuya Ishida openly mocks vaccinations I do have to wonder what his true feelings about life are today? Living in a Pandemic like we are is difficult, and losing people close to us is definitely not easy, but I cannot understand where he seems to be going with any of his irony or parody situations of today. I cannot relate to the characters he's created here, nor do I feel sympathetic to any of the others either.

I would truly like to understand the artist's intentions, but I am finally starting to run out of reasons to keep reading. this fact saddens me greatly, because I have supported and championed it for as long as he's published it online. I own several of the early books, and if I started rereading them now I would find a huge discrepancy between those early strips and todays storylines.

I want to enjoy and support this web-based comic, but it saddens me to think that he's given up...

Re: October 22, 2021: Unperson 31

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2021 4:54 pm
by Russly
"Please Dope Responsibly" yeah I really do wonder what is going through the man's mind. Maybe he'll show the in comic avatar in his house with little cuckoo Percies and Pooches swirling over his head. He's spent years setting up the comic in such a serious fashion, only for the plot to be about returning the fun? Indeed, now we're getting somewhere.

I once listened to this one show about how quitting can be an advantage. Covered the ways quitting or at least restarting with stuff in life can freeing or refreshing, motivating, calming, etc. Where you see a loss in the comic's quality, for me this has actually been a golden era of experimentation. The only way we'll know his thoughts is patience, so perhaps we're being tested. Note that I don't appreciate being tested but I certainly appreciate the absurdity of the comic by now.

The rule of thumb is nothing goes untouched. It took him a very long time to get through racism, feminism, and currently corona (and then perhaps climate change). He's reflecting the world in realtime and so I guess the fans that have stayed are somewhat about the parts that are experimental. I don't have any qualms on that count even if it affects the fandom... though ironic how maybe he's being selective in which parts of the fandom he's about. A lucky man to get the ability to not care.

Not that he should shirk the entire audience. He's potentially very in his own mind by this point and I wouldn't be surprised if our commentary provides at least a halfway grounding effect, and I'm only giving this conjecture because based on some of the latest changes in the comic, honestly I feel directly listened to after having committed to my commentary more regularly. The changes in the comic make sense relative to the suggestions in the forum and when they were made. The original characters being around seems less like coincidence and more like juggling forum input from all over the world.

Furthermore, the ways in which these changes in the comic line up with its storyline somehow seem to give specific meaning. There isn't so much an in crowd for us anymore, I wouldn't be surprised if some Easter eggs he puts in there are just for himself even. The parts he wants us to understand most easily are probably obvious, especially by now. Dude is less than thrilled about shots, will go with them but also is no stranger to 1984, and wound up stuck in a paradox of being unmaskinated (not really buying into corona) yet also being smart enough to not go full Texas hick on us. He has no clue how to appeal to a wide audience with a comic as niche as this one has become, and it seems he didn't want to by the time the niche market he did want to appeal to presented itself.

The only conclusion I draw from that all so far is, he may even, gasp, write in the forum again one day. Even if only to give a website update.


Re: October 22, 2021: Unperson 31

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 5:25 am
by Pukje
Wild theory, but do you think he might be going for the 'hate reading' views? He obviously pays attention to trends, so I wouldn't be surprised if that also includes readership stats in response to various topics.

On a different subject, do you suppose the Sisterhood is going to do anything with that truck they salvaged?

Re: October 22, 2021: Unperson 31

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 1:36 pm
by Russly
So far, it seems he has gone a little off the deep end to the point where even his immediate fanbase finds this off putting. I won't try to praise whatever decisions in the arcs these days end up garbage moves overall. The upside in giving up in this case is if you look at that as like a South Park level of absurdity, it can begin to resemble something that looks like sense again.

Guaranteed he did hate reading for Tired Mama to the point where that goo goo baby guy is still on some of those icons that spewed out of the truck and so on. He definitely finally put ads up on his on the website though, even the forum, so a large chunk of this could so easily just be him being mad at having had to sell out. Also, what the fuck, why isn't he just living by his means? Which parent of his is dying from covid and got him to give in to putting ads on the site to pay the medical bills? If that were the case it clearly would explain these in comic 'freakouts' or whatnot.

There's a lot of long term plotholes that seem purposefully left open for whenever the time is right. We only just got to bringing back the resistance, the Sisterhood's return I'm sure would happen when the world returns its focus to feminism for a while, or something like that. He himself may not know what to do now if his predictions are limited to how far he can accurately see ahead in current events.


Re: October 22, 2021: Unperson 31

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 4:46 pm
by Russly
For those who've noticed, now the comic has again become about as wild and nonsensical as it once was, even if on a rather uh modern level. And holy crap did I predict the goo goo guy still being prevalent like didn't I make that comment only a couple days ago?!


Re: October 22, 2021: Unperson 31

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 7:22 pm
by Pukje
Is today's comic saying that vaccines can't be trusted because of hormone therapy and plastic surgery? This is wild but also genuinely entertaining.

Re: October 22, 2021: Unperson 31

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 8:10 pm
Pukje wrote:
Fri Oct 29, 2021 7:22 pm
Is today's comic saying that vaccines can't be trusted because of hormone therapy and plastic surgery? This is wild but also genuinely entertaining.
you mean this one, right?

Yeah, people distrusting vaccination because of the push on gender bullshit it's one of the horrible ramifications of the whole genderqueer issue. Reforcing anti-scientific feelings within the major population who's illiterate in science.

It also comes from a common misconception: That doctors and scientists are interchangeable. They aren't. I can't stress this enough. Doctors that perform vaginoplasty and phaloplasty to destroy a genital and create a poorly copy that's purely ornamental in its place, through a very dangerous surgery that leads to many wound-related health issues. Doctors that prescribe feminizing or masculinizing hormones that give long-term health troubles to the patients. Doctors that prescribe hormones to stiffle growth in children who have no issues regarding puberty, rendering them sick and partially or completly infertile, lying about its reversibility or harmfulness. Those aren't scientists. They're hardly even doctors. They have no regards whatsoever for science OR human health. They're just inescrupulous and greedy people, abusing of their profession to exploit others.

The sad irony, is that the doctors that Tat and many more shouldn't be trusting are the ones AGAINST the vaccination. The ones who promoted hcq and horse medicine.

Now, I finally understood why Tat is antivax. I was waiting for this. It's a shame, but he's really not as allienated as haters would like to think. A lot of people have been fooled by those "medical professionals", who promote the chemical/physical castration of children and LGB people, into believing those atrocities are what honest scientists defend. That those human rights violations are fruit of serious scientific research. No wonder they've decided to not trust doctors or scientists.

We've failed those people. Who can blame them for distrusting us, even some supposed-to-be renowed and serious scientists are getting caught up into that mess that's transactivism and lying about it. Bending themselves backwards to not appear "bigoted". It's all so pitiful. Women's rights and children's rights are being violated by that movement, little by little, and people are praising it as progress. And deeming everyone against it as evil, regardless of their reasons. It's really gonna get worse before the vast majority of the public realizes the mistake they've made in accepting gender theory as anything other than misogynistic and homophobic.

Re: October 22, 2021: Unperson 31

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2021 2:47 am
by RikkiTikkiTavi
Z6IIAB wrote:
Fri Oct 29, 2021 8:10 pm

you mean this one, right?

Yeah, people distrusting vaccination because of the push on gender bullshit it's one of the horrible ramifications of the whole genderqueer issue. Reforcing anti-scientific feelings within the major population who's illiterate in science.

It also comes from a common misconception: That doctors and scientists are interchangeable. They aren't. I can't stress this enough. Doctors that perform vaginoplasty and phaloplasty to destroy a genital and create a poorly copy that's purely ornamental in its place, through a very dangerous surgery that leads to many wound-related health issues. Doctors that prescribe feminizing or masculinizing hormones that give long-term health troubles to the patients. Doctors that prescribe hormones to stiffle growth in children who have no issues regarding puberty, rendering them sick and partially or completly infertile, lying about its reversibility or harmfulness. Those aren't scientists. They're hardly even doctors. They have no regards whatsoever for science OR human health. They're just inescrupulous and greedy people, abusing of their profession to exploit others.

The sad irony, is that the doctors that Tat and many more shouldn't be trusting are the ones AGAINST the vaccination. The ones who promoted hcq and horse medicine.

Now, I finally understood why Tat is antivax. I was waiting for this. It's a shame, but he's really not as allienated as haters would like to think. A lot of people have been fooled by those "medical professionals", who promote the chemical/physical castration of children and LGB people, into believing those atrocities are what honest scientists defend. That those human rights violations are fruit of serious scientific research. No wonder they've decided to not trust doctors or scientists.

We've failed those people. Who can blame them for distrusting us, even some supposed-to-be renowed and serious scientists are getting caught up into that mess that's transactivism and lying about it. Bending themselves backwards to not appear "bigoted". It's all so pitiful. Women's rights and children's rights are being violated by that movement, little by little, and people are praising it as progress. And deeming everyone against it as evil, regardless of their reasons. It's really gonna get worse before the vast majority of the public realizes the mistake they've made in accepting gender theory as anything other than misogynistic and homophobic.
Great points and well said.

All I have to add is that the mixing of 'science' in the trans medical nightmare with political activism - where dodgy medical advice is pushing a political agenda and changing long standing public policy and laws - can produce strong feelings of distrust.

So, here comes another 'medical' thing -Covid - vaccines - etc - and here comes a strong politically tinged vaccine activism. I can see how people could distrust it just because it isn't pure science but also political agendas seem to be mixed in as well.

And now we are also living in a world of strong arm tactics that 'force' people to be vaccinated against their desires in order to be employed at certain places. If we wanted to push the buttons of those who might shift towards the more radical edges of conspiracy theory land - well, I think we have found the perfect mix. Anything that 'takes away personal freedoms of choice' will push those buttons hard.

Re: October 22, 2021: Unperson 31

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2021 5:38 am
RikkiTikkiTavi wrote:
Sat Oct 30, 2021 2:47 am

I can see how people could distrust it just because it isn't pure science but also political agendas seem to be mixed in as well.

thanks for the addition! that needed to be said too.

Re: October 22, 2021: Unperson 31

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2021 7:39 pm
by Russly
Indeed it's no secret that big tech and big pharma are in bed with each other to charge people insane amounts of money to manually manipulate their very existence to resemble the unrealistic social media standards we see today. What's lesser known is where they intersect on the direct informational stream that gives rise to these vultures' ability to seek out easy targets from the get go. I'm talking Google not preventing the metatag overfill issue (the part about allowing trolls to get negative messages into everyone's recommendation boxes with enough spam-- "all fridge eventually does get nearer toward the mainstream"). My hunch is evil came with emergence from nature, since in the wild nothing knows to not kill or otherwise 'sin', and some of us have still only learned so much.

I may want to stress that this whole place is a comic forum predicated on incredible diversity and so it is indeed par for the course to allow a spectrum of beliefs, some of which we may not all agree on (at least off the bat), that range from the mystical to the outright nonsensical and absurd. We may not agree on all aspects of existence and neither does the creator, but we do have understandings of what are general limits and also what is scary as fuck. I'm no metalhead but for some reason they respect that I'm willing to watch Rick And Morty and, once again, brave sub zero temperatures in order to get the vaccine ON THE PREMISE that it is (partially?) bad for me and I can still take it anyway à la Wim Hof style temperature breathwork.

Please do not get me wrong, I believe there are plenty of reasons the vaccine is healthy. -It just depends on who you are-. Even among doctors and comedians we find internal disputes, it's the 2020s so everything's up in the air. Is it fair to say we've failed the most 'evil' of doctors overall by not preventing them from the deeds they committed early enough?

And of course, yall know where I'm at with money. I may do a different post where I discuss my grocery list.... In any event, today I'm at the potential for crypto to buffer a world economy collapse rather than the other way around....


Re: October 22, 2021: Unperson 31

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2021 3:10 am
by Tanagra
I suppose the only problem is that in this comic, COVID-19 just doesn't exist. Thousands have died, and people who haven't been vaccinated are still dying by the hundreds, while only the most at risk of those who HAVE been vaccinated are dying. Tatsuya's masked people look defeated. Me?