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April 13, 2022: Tribulation 15

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2022 2:47 am
by longtimelurker

I am beginning to grow tired of this argument: If you look at the list of side effects just for the second most-purchased OTC drug category in America alone (oral painkillers like Tylenol/acetaminophen) which people take even for things like headaches, you will find it can cause.... well, headaches.

That said I would be more concerned about the liver toxicity, seeing as it's the main cause of acute liver failure in the US. Then theres NSAIDs like ibuprofen Asprin and Naproxen causing nausea, indegestion and at worst, ulcers. Oh and unless you stick to apsrin your risk of heart attack and strokes goes up alarmingly. Remember the third saviour, those cox-2 inhibs like Celebrex? Yeah they got rid of the gastrointestinal problems, yet that class of drug was found to increase risk of a heart attack by 40%, such that Vioxx got pulled back in '05 yet Pfizer still pumps out Celebrex like it's bottled water...yet no one is banging a drum about this, but "vaxx bad, worse than disease" messages are all over the place.

All I am saying is that with everything pharmaceutical you have a risk involved, maybe you're sensitive to ingredients, maybe you are one of the unlucky ones to get a reaction, or worse still suffer ongoing health problems as a result, but the same goes with the 'rona - you might get it and just get a dose of a bad cold, or you could be one of those with a medical facehugger helping you breathe while you desperately try and fight the thing off.

I do appreciate the other aspect this strip plays off though, that the current events in eastern europe are acting a massive distraction from anything awkward closer to home.

Re: April 13, 2022: Tribulation 15

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2022 7:31 am
by zeekbot
I couldn't agree more. My mother died from Tylenol poisoning. She was an alcoholic with liver problems, but no doctor ever bothered to tell her than alcoholics &/or people with liver damage should NEVER take acetaminophen. The ironic thing is that she was taking massive doses of Tylenol because of the pain in her liver. But where is the outrage over that? It's maddening. I'm triple-vaxxed & so are literally all of my friends & not one person has had a problem with it. But I personally know at least six or seven people who have either died or developed permanent health problems from acetaminophen. & COVID is certainly worse than a damn headache.

Re: April 13, 2022: Tribulation 15

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2022 10:27 am
by Seamus Whyte
It's the issue when someone producing content has an axe to grind without any specific specialist knowledge of the topic they're keen to rubbish.
The whole anti-vax tone of the comic has been the lowest denominator in both social and now medical arguments because someone wants to make an ill-informed point.
But throw in Pooch and Percy occasionally and everyone stops paying attention.

Re: April 13, 2022: Tribulation 15

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2022 2:41 pm
by Russly
Ever since the one guy suggested that Pooch and Percy may have died irl I have taken that storyline differently. Anyway, it has been suggested that there are heavy implications to the role the medical industry has played technologically in regard to personal decisions on health indeed. I have heard something to the effect of the healthcare industry messing up eighty percent of the time due to the ethical conflict involved in preservation of human life. The realistic cost incurred by the ethic alone then called into question the morality of wasting most of the money on unfruitful endeavors. And so we wonder. I certainly have a person or two to share this strip with.
