July 13, 2022: Zombie Hunting

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July 13, 2022: Zombie Hunting

Post by Pukje » Tue Jul 12, 2022 11:30 pm

Soooo we're just cool with shooting people now? After what went down the week around July 4?


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Re: July 13, 2022: Zombie Hunting

Post by RikkiTikkiTavi » Wed Jul 13, 2022 3:48 am

Soooo you're just cool with letting zombies eat peoples' brains now?


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Re: July 13, 2022: Zombie Hunting

Post by Pukje » Wed Jul 13, 2022 4:33 am

Rikki, the difference between people being shot and zombies eating brains is that one of those things is real.

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Re: July 13, 2022: Zombie Hunting

Post by ZozoCitizen » Thu Jul 14, 2022 2:25 am

I'm not inclined to take this comic seriously because... well it's almost a Bugs Bunny routine at this point. It's a joke. I don't accept that every joke about violence will result in real world violence. That conclusion in media is always an overreaction and results in a lot of pointless censorship whenever it gains traction.
"The Rightwing doesn't like The Woke. They want to kill them haha." You know I'm kinda in your corner on this one. While it *is* just a joke, it's not a very good joke. They can't all be gems I suppose. Is this really something to be concerned about though? No one is going to die because Tat stated the blatantly obvious. The Right doesn't like the Left? Say it ain't so! Get outta town. No way. Next Tat will tell us water is wet.

Gun violence happens every day. Every. Day. Does the world stop turning? No. Is it a problem that needs addressing? Yes. Does the issue have anything to do with this comic? I'd say no. If someone saw this comic and it incited them to violence, I would consider them the most easily led person on the planet. That person has bigger problems than some drawings online.

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Re: July 13, 2022: Zombie Hunting

Post by RikkiTikkiTavi » Thu Jul 14, 2022 4:22 am

In my opinion, lately there have been entirely too many 'taking this comic too seriously' performative posts. It is one of the reasons this forum has dried up like a desert.

So, you don't agree with Tat's opinions - fine - but don't conflate his artistic wit into some hyperbolic hate crime.

There have been other strips where actual bullets have been fired and characters injured. Where was the outrage about that depiction of gun violence? This strip did not even have the guns being used. All that was depicted was someone using a duck/zombie call - which is quite a nice little witty trope.

Perhaps those who are tender to sharp humor and have easily bruised sensibilities should consider Sinfest one big trigger warning (get it - ha ha - trigger because of being upset about guns in comic strips :P ).

But seriously Pukje, there is one real danger in all this. Too much hand wringing is likely to give you chafing. If you are going to keep this up, lotion is probably a good idea.

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Re: July 13, 2022: Zombie Hunting

Post by Pukje » Thu Jul 14, 2022 6:03 am

Lol I'm sorry Rikki did you just complain about a 2-liner opinion in the comments section of a comic that's spent literal years building an entire fictional universe made of the author's opinions? Like.. for real? I can't voice the equivalent of "too soon" without it being read as "outrage"?

The forum's been dead for a while. But sure let's just go ahead and carefully avoid expressing our thoughts about the comics. That'll liven things right up. And you'll even get to keep all the lotion to yourself for that beautiful brown mongoose nose.

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Re: July 13, 2022: Zombie Hunting

Post by RikkiTikkiTavi » Thu Jul 14, 2022 9:14 am

Nah Pukje it was not your two lines but your single theatrical
that made me lol. You must admit, your use of that was a little dramatic.

But just like Tat's opinions are open for comment, so are yours and so are mine. When done with the right intent it can be an interesting and sometimes delightful stroll through the internet of public opinion.

You should also be able to note that in each of my comments I am using this thing called 'humorous banter with dose of spicy wit'. Finally you have come back with something other than stoic seriousness with the delightful 'keep all the lotion to yourself for that beautiful brown mongoose nose'. Ha ha! :D

The forum has been teetering on the brink of near ghost town ever since it was recreated in this incarnation. But there were some little nuggets from time to time. And there was always Russly with his 'break your brain to understand' posts filled with obscure insights into a Russly universe. There were some people posting about strips they enjoyed. I am sure those fans are still out there, but they seldom post on the forum anymore. Alas.

There has been a lot of 'down on Tat' comments lately- and posts about how much the comic has changed. It changed a long time ago. Many of these posts seem to come from people who have just registered or who registered a while ago but this would be their first post. :?:

Of course the negative comments about the comic stand out more since there is hardly any posting on the forum. Just a few who seem to be enjoying it. Meanwhile if I say anything positive about the comic or the creator I am a 'brown noser' - oh woe... lol.

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Re: July 13, 2022: Zombie Hunting

Post by ZozoCitizen » Fri Jul 15, 2022 2:39 am

You know I actually like Pukje and I value their input. Whether I agree with them is neither here nor there. What matters to me is having discussions that aren't just a bunch of like-minded people nodding their heads at each other and arrogantly congratulating themselves on being correct in all the same ways. I personally want disagreement and to hear the how's and why's involved.

Pukje made a valid accusation. They are not wrong that the comic *is* giving approval of violence towards a group of people. That's absolutely true. The thing is not so long ago such a joke could be taken in the spirit in which it is given: a silly jab. An attack, sure, but not a serious call to arms. Political enemies can take shots at one another without resorting to true violence. That doesn't mean it can't or won't happen. It has. It will. The irony is that the more tense/sensitive people become, constantly accusing others of potential evil, it often becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Of course we don't like to talk about that. We push all the blame for terrible events on our enemies. No blame falls on ourselves. Naturally. Paragons of virtue, incapable of misdeed or escalating hostilities.

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Tired Mama
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Re: July 13, 2022: Zombie Hunting

Post by Tired Mama » Fri Jul 15, 2022 7:02 pm

ZozoCitizen wrote:
Fri Jul 15, 2022 2:39 am
The thing is not so long ago such a joke could be taken in the spirit in which it is given: a silly jab. An attack, sure, but not a serious call to arms.
Serious call to arms? No. Extremely distasteful 'humor' that gives a strong impression- be it intentional or no- of being in support of recent violence? Yes.

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Re: July 13, 2022: Zombie Hunting

Post by Russly » Sat Jul 23, 2022 1:57 pm

Admittedly I was going to reply to this thread either way, but when I saw I got an honorable mention I was like "damn now I have to write something!" All I wanted to mention was the Bugs Bunny is fairly juxtaposed, I think he aims to make it clear which strips have that quality and which don't, which can also be hit or miss.


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Re: July 13, 2022: Zombie Hunting

Post by grabachair » Tue Aug 02, 2022 12:16 pm

I thought this strip was great. Solid comedy and very timely.

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Re: July 13, 2022: Zombie Hunting

Post by Russly » Wed Aug 03, 2022 5:03 pm

Also so far this week has been nothing short of kooky.


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