July 22, 2022: Zombie Hunting 8

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July 22, 2022: Zombie Hunting 8

Post by ZozoCitizen » Sat Jul 23, 2022 2:45 am

Political battles are eternal. No one ever really wins. Not for long. So many people are so certain that if they could just defeat their enemies and get their way, the world would change for the better. History says otherwise. We're different though, right? Hahaha! Everyone thinks that. It's comical.
I've started to consider that maybe no one ever should. Win, that is. That everything is exactly how it ought to be. Constant conflict/strife may be a necessary part of a truly balanced society. The Left and Right should fight it out forever. Neither side should ever be allowed to definitively triumph.
Not that I agree with the Devil here. Obviously peace and brotherhood should be sought. It's the seeking in itself that's important though. 'Cause actually achieving it is impossible.

Even when the Devil is being nice, he's still technically being evil. Nepotism is a terrible thing. While the whole world burns, he shelters a handful. His selfish chosen.

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Re: July 22, 2022: Zombie Hunting 8

Post by Questions » Sun Aug 21, 2022 8:46 am

ZozoCitizen wrote:
Sat Jul 23, 2022 2:45 am
Constant conflict/strife may be a necessary part of a truly balanced society. The Left and Right should fight it out forever. Neither side should ever be allowed to definitively triumph.
Not everyone wants to compete, but competition *generally* means the better performer wins. I live in a state that has been de-facto rules by the Democrat party for a couple of decades and it has allowed them to push through lazy laws more on a whim than a process that makes for improvement. Politicians do not listen to understand, they listen to respond because they do not feel that they need to take opposing view points into consideration. If there was honest debate and resistance that forced working towards consensus, we would have better laws.

As in business, monopoly leads to laziness. Having to push and refine makes for better outcome.
Question everything

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