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The Dark Brandon

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2022 11:14 am
by Russly
I just want to make the note that giving Biden the Trump molester energy is a bit of an extreme call, though then again Trump himself is a drone in the comic so what do I know? Maybe it's because Biden is a better representative of America generally? Nah, not with All American Diners still popular mayhap. I heard that Patagonia's founder gave the company away recently in order to directly convert any profits to go fight global warming. I don't think Biden or even Bernie are on that level, though at least they aren't taken less seriously like a Trump drone. Not getting taken seriously is what got Trump on the rise in the first place after all?


Re: The Dark Brandon

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2022 12:47 pm
by JustaComment
You've got to be kidding. Biden is a better representative of America? That's a joke.

He represents America's worst.

He can't even understand a border problem or how it is overrun.
He can't understand his policies are increasing inflation.
His direct impact on oil and gas prices.

He does have a creepy vibe. How do you not see this? How many president hair sniffers do you know?

Re: The Dark Brandon

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2022 5:22 pm
by Russly
Yeah-- a better representative of America's worst. He's America's worst in a more concise way. It's just too bad Trump is minimized in this way (he's way worse than Biden in plenty of ways of course). See, my trick is I don't actually watch the news or view anything with so much as his picture in it, generally speaking. I don't have a say in the matter because I purposefully remain uninformed.

And also, I just can't help but think Biden never grabbed nobody by no clussy it's just a thought that's stayed in mind.


Re: The Dark Brandon

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 9:34 pm
by Vancore
JustaComment wrote:
Fri Sep 16, 2022 12:47 pm
He can't even understand a border problem or how it is overrun.
He can't understand his policies are increasing inflation.
His direct impact on oil and gas prices.
The border problem has been a problem since I was born, the only thing different is the new ways the right finds to make it sound worse then the last time the issue was used. That and the Media, whatever gets the most clicks.

After the covid lockdowns inflation was a given, and honestly if this problem was solved and made better you'd still find a way to make it horrible because the wrong team made it right. Cause America's politics are a big football game now, and we wouldn't just be happy if their were some things done right by a president we didn't like. Maybe Trumps to blame on this, honestly I blame the internet, Iphones and facebook like algorithms. Also the loss of sports as America's pastime now taken by politics.

Biden should have seen that companies would have taken advantage of the fact we were not buying Russia Oil anymore and covered it, simple capitalism in play, but he didn't. Bad move for him, disappointing for American's.

Re: The Dark Brandon

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 4:41 pm
by Russly
Hm yeah that's too bad about the Russian oil call. As for sports, football itself is now an arena for political and financial sector games. Can you say Super Bowl ads?

Also how them color strips? That is new.

Not the first time color got to the comic. Even the weekday strips had it happen once or twice too before. But with regularity now, wow.

"Color coded for concience" *conscience?


Re: The Dark Brandon

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 10:00 am
by grabachair
Russly, I think you may not be getting the whole story from your news sources. While Trump was caught on tape making rude comments, Joe Biden has been credibly accused of rape.

For reference, see this article on Medium: ... 78433ccf98

Re: The Dark Brandon

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2022 6:45 pm
by Russly
Wow they do a good job of burying Biden getting Me Too'd. I believe it though. Trump got plenty of attention for being a senseless pig. Seeing that Biden isn't much different isn't a surprise I admit. Kind of like learning Bernie wound up with extra mansions, although I hope Bernie isn't a womanizer too....


Re: The Dark Brandon

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2022 4:34 am
by RKA
grabachair wrote:
Mon Sep 26, 2022 10:00 am
Russly, I think you may not be getting the whole story from your news sources. While Trump was caught on tape making rude comments, Joe Biden has been credibly accused of rape.
Any accusation of rape is appalling, but lets be clear that Trump wasn't JUST caught on tape making rude comments, he was credibly accused of rape by more than a DOZEN women. Oh yeah AND invading the backstage changing room at the Miss Universe contest multiple times to leer at the contestants as they undressed. The comparison to what Biden is accused of is like apples to... bushels and bushels of apples that brag about how many people they've sexually assaulted and laugh about it on camera

Re: The Dark Brandon

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 12:39 pm
by grabachair

Re: The Dark Brandon

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 10:28 am
by Russly
We got to watch him get the Trump drone in a dogfight with the Woke drone or even Ezekiel. Lmao the angel sticker was on the Conspiracy Board too!
