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The valknut appears 2024-08-05

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2024 7:18 pm
by kigmatzomat
The triple triangle in the first panel is the valknut.

Britannica describes it as "Old Norse symbol composed of three interlocking triangles.... Since the mid-20th century, the valknut has been adopted as a symbol by white supremacists,.... In countries where the swastika is outlawed, Neo-Nazis use the valknut as a socially acceptable substitute."


Re: The valknut appears 2024-08-05

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2024 6:27 am
by quil
Symbolism aside, I think it's preeeeeetty obvious this comic veered hard into anti-semitism a good while back.

Re: The valknut appears 2024-08-05

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 3:20 am
by Mr Fumbles
kigmatzomat wrote:
Wed Aug 07, 2024 7:18 pm
The triple triangle in the first panel is the valknut.

Britannica describes it as "Old Norse symbol composed of three interlocking triangles.... Since the mid-20th century, the valknut has been adopted as a symbol by white supremacists,.... In countries where the swastika is outlawed, Neo-Nazis use the valknut as a socially acceptable substitute."

Congratulations, your level of cowardice and spinelessness actually inspired me to make an account here just to reply to you.

What a pathetic way to call somebody out. "Sooo...yeah...", If you're trying to call the writer of this comic racist just call him a fucking racist and be done with it. Stand up for your conviction. Don't pretend like you're not saying what you're trying to say and that you're just helpfully pointing out some symbolism. You know what you're doing, have the spine to stand up straight and do it like the commentor underneath of you did.

I'll show you how it's done.

You're a coward. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Playing this game of trying to call somebody out without being culpable or direct about what you're wanting to say makes you look gutless and cowardly. You brought that up so that you could call the author of this comic a Nazi, just come out and call them a fucking Nazi. "Sooo yeeaahhh". Nobody is fooled, you're not 'Just trying to help', you're trying to call somebody out without having the guts to actually call them out and that makes you a spineless coward.

To the author of the comic, if you're reading this? You and I don't see eye to eye on a lot of political stuff, especially back during the feminism days, but mad respect for having the guts to put your message out there and not dance to somebody else's tune and pretend to be falling in line. A lot of pathetic people could stand to learn a thing or two about the power that comes from shamelessness and pride. Good on you for saying what you want to say and speaking from the chest, even when the majority of people don't agree with it.

Re: The valknut appears 2024-08-05

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:32 pm
by Russly
The idiocy here.