Thank you for a cathartic piece of work

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Thank you for a cathartic piece of work

Post by Foxgloves » Sat Feb 02, 2019 4:35 pm

new fan here. I only started reading the comic about two weeks ago, but have now caught up on all the content from the last 10 years. It really means a lot to me to have an engaging story that is unapologetically pro-feminist and anti-exploitation. It's great to see this in the comic format, too, for a long-time fan of this artform. What in my experience is truly unique about Sinfest is that it holds the very men accountable that usually escape any consequence from their society.
I know it's fictional, but it is still very cathartic to see story arcs like the one about Liberty leaving Sam or Squig meeting the woman he used to masturbate to and being confronted with her vunerability and humanity. I am not a survivor of the sex trade directly, but I am still currently 4 years later hiding from a stalker, who tried to push me to replicate porn with him and got upset when I refused. It means a lot to have a refuge from a world of people insisting porn is harmless and victimizes nobody (and I'm building a feminist support network in real life to really take care of myself, too).

And I won't lie, the johnbie killing is cathartic, too... Every 8 weeks a prostituted woman in my country is murdered or barely survives attempted murder and the killer in most cases is a john or pimp (and those are only the cases gruesome enough to make it into the media, there are more nameless women who die and we don't learn about them) - so I allow myself to occasionally fantasize about destroying these men's cars, telling their wives or decapitating them Fushia/Michonne-style.

Because I'm done being passive and am lucky to have enough free time to afford to I'm active as a prostitution abolitionist and lobbying for the Nordic Model in Germany. My primary work is exposing the misogyny of johns (anyone feel free to take a look, but be warned, it's disturbing: and while I know it's important work, it's very draining and there's lots to despair over. People who say "prostitution is fine/a job/a hobby" never have to provide real arguments or sources, but if I make the tiniest critique of the trade, I need 25 studies to back it up (which usually don't exist, because hardly anyone studies prostitution, because few people care). Still the spread of the Nordic model makes me hopeful for change and seeing powerful three-dimensional women fight back (even when its fiction) gives me strength.

So thank you to the artist, if you're reading this.
Best wishes and solidarity from Germany,

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Tatsuya Ishida
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Post by Tatsuya Ishida » Sun Feb 03, 2019 10:41 am

Hi Foxgloves. Thanks.

I'm happy to provide catharsis for people fighting sexual exploitation.

Great work on the site (very thorough and well-researched) and good luck with the Nordic model in Germany.

And welcome to the forum!

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Post by Z6IIAB » Sun Feb 03, 2019 7:28 pm

thank you so much for sharing your story and your website!!
Call me Celina. This forum still have a long way to go until it gets filled with its intended public. And I'll do my best to help us reach that goal. I'm a battleaxe, and when you hear my voice it'll be as loud as a thunder and as clear as a blue sky.

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Post by jdth » Wed Feb 06, 2019 1:24 am

Hi Foxgloves! Thank you a lot for that webpage and all the great work you're doing there! I'm a scientist by day and whenever I visit private webpages with "statistics" I prepare myself for the worst. I was really positively astonished by your proper presentations, well done!

The nitpick that I am, may I give you a couple of really minor pointers? Just to make it even better?

The pie graph about the age of the prostitute. Firstly, I got confused with the legend, where the age is compared to "me", which I first thought was your age, i.e. the authors age, which I didn't know. If you put a "age relative to the john" or so in the title or figure description, it's already way more obvious. (Obvious is good :-p). Also the colour gave me a hard time seeing which legend entry is which part of the graph. Roughly 10 % of the male central european population is red-green colourblind. I guess that's your target group as well, right? (Footnote: I cite the colourblindness of males because they have a significantly higher rate for that. Though the fact that I don't even know the number for women tells its own story and I feel bad about it...)

You got a few rounding effects. E.g. in the graph about "Martial status among sex buyers [...]" the numbers for the sex buyers (blue) add up to 56+34+1+10 = 101. I bet it's just rounding and yes of course it happens, but that's a point where stupid people can attack you. Fixing that before they see it might just save you some time discussion with idiots... (I didn't check all the numbers by the way. This example just hit me... four numbers, only three of them even, that couldn't be an even number in the sum... Yes, I am that kind of person...)

Oh, and you got a typo, and I'm sorry, your language is overall great, considering it's not your first language (I guess at least). You wrote martial status in the above mentioned figure, as in "fighting status". I bet you mean marital status, as in whether someone's married and the likes.

Again, great work! Way to go, I'm cheering for you!
Best regards from the north
Yello? I'd like a big cup o' change please? Anybody?

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Thank you!!

Post by Foxgloves » Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:13 am

jdth wrote:Hi Foxgloves! Thank you a lot for that webpage and all the great work you're doing there! I'm a scientist by day and whenever I visit private webpages with "statistics" I prepare myself for the worst. I was really positively astonished by your proper presentations, well done!

The nitpick that I am, may I give you a couple of really minor pointers? Just to make it even better?

The pie graph about the age of the prostitute. Firstly, I got confused with the legend, where the age is compared to "me", which I first thought was your age, i.e. the authors age, which I didn't know. If you put a "age relative to the john" or so in the title or figure description, it's already way more obvious. (Obvious is good :-p). Also the colour gave me a hard time seeing which legend entry is which part of the graph. Roughly 10 % of the male central european population is red-green colourblind. I guess that's your target group as well, right? (Footnote: I cite the colourblindness of males because they have a significantly higher rate for that. Though the fact that I don't even know the number for women tells its own story and I feel bad about it...)

You got a few rounding effects. E.g. in the graph about "Martial status among sex buyers [...]" the numbers for the sex buyers (blue) add up to 56+34+1+10 = 101. I bet it's just rounding and yes of course it happens, but that's a point where stupid people can attack you. Fixing that before they see it might just save you some time discussion with idiots... (I didn't check all the numbers by the way. This example just hit me... four numbers, only three of them even, that couldn't be an even number in the sum... Yes, I am that kind of person...)

Oh, and you got a typo, and I'm sorry, your language is overall great, considering it's not your first language (I guess at least). You wrote martial status in the above mentioned figure, as in "fighting status". I bet you mean marital status, as in whether someone's married and the likes.

Again, great work! Way to go, I'm cheering for you!
Best regards from the north
thank you for the feedback! Oh god, those mistakes are pretty embarrassing... Now that you've pointed some out, I've noticed a lot more
- especially with adding up percentages. I'm fixing it right now, because 133% in total is just embarrassing!! Thanks a lot for making me revisit the statistics page! I created the website almost entirely by myself and didn't even have someone to spellcheck it all (nevermind combing through all the content like I did to check for mistakes, broken links, etc.). Yes, English is my second language, so that leads to some inaccuracies in language or spelling, too... If you have the time and you find other things that need correcting, please get in touch! The blog is already gaining some attention in Germany including from sex buyers who are already trying to discredit it...


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Re: Thank you!!

Post by Z6IIAB » Sun Feb 10, 2019 5:45 am

Foxgloves wrote:The blog is already gaining some attention in Germany including from sex buyers who are already trying to discredit it
GOOD. It means they know you're onto them, and there's nothing they can do about it <3 I'm so proud of you for making that website! Thank you so much! I made sure it got promoted at some radfems discord servers and at tumblr! I hope you can spread it furthermore <3! Cheers!
Call me Celina. This forum still have a long way to go until it gets filled with its intended public. And I'll do my best to help us reach that goal. I'm a battleaxe, and when you hear my voice it'll be as loud as a thunder and as clear as a blue sky.

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