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Division is the enemy of revolution

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 3:39 am
by AnonFan
Hello everyone,

I imagine that this may not be well received by all, but I think it's worth reminding everyone. The best way to break a revolution is to divide the people who are pushing for change. This is a common topic throughout human history, and it still comes up on a regular basis in modern times.

I think it is worth remembering what this forum was setup for:
The new forum will be anti-pornography, anti-prostitution.

It will favor the radical feminist perspective over a liberal or conservative one.
I fear that we are letting other topics distract us from this core message. It is clear that there are differing opinions on the roles of transgendered individuals in this discussion. This is unsurprising; people have opinions, and they don't always perfectly align. However, this is a division within the radical feminist community, and division will only help the patriarchy continue as-is. It would be very unfortunate to see this difference in opinion in one area overwhelm the larger agenda that I believe/hope we all share.

This is not to say that discussion on such topics is a bad thing. I believe that it is good to discuss our opinions and views. Like anyone else, I have my own views here too. However, from what I have been reading lately, it seems that the division over this topic is fracturing the community to the point at which the core message (radical feminism as a whole) has become secondary. Animosity appears to be growing, and I believe this is only to the benefit of the patriarchy.

Of course this is all my opinion, but I wanted to put it out there for consideration. I would be very sad to see the community dissolve over this. I would rather focus on bringing down the patriarchy, not each other.


Re: Division is the enemy of revolution

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 2:58 pm
This is why I said people shouldn't pay attention to trolls. And by trolls I mean people coming here to call radfems "terfs" and "transphobes" just because we know women are female human beings and that's it. But people just don't listen.

Re: Division is the enemy of revolution

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 3:17 pm
AnonFan wrote:
Thu Jun 20, 2019 3:39 am
Hello everyone,
I fear that we are letting other topics distract us from this core message. It is clear that there are differing opinions on the roles of transgendered individuals in this discussion. This is unsurprising; people have opinions, and they don't always perfectly align. However, this is a division within the radical feminist community,
To clarify: there's no division in the radfem community regarding that. women are adult female human beings. men are adult male human beings. The people promoting useless arguments here are TRAs and trans people upset the comic shows the true face of transactivism as the regressive movement it has become.

And don't you never forget that. Every single pissed off baby coming here to thrown their tantrums has called the webcomic, Tat or its radfem readers: "transphobes", "TERFs" or some slur. They didn't came here to have any dialogue, they came here to disrupt a community they aren't welcomed in, especially because of their sexist and misogynistic behavior and beliefs. So, please, let's get this "divide" bullshit over with.