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Relationship with modern media?
Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 10:38 am
by Selenastraquenaya
Hello everyone, I have been reading this comic for years and enjoy how it's progressed. Many of the posts I've read in this new forum make me wonder if there might be people here who feel as I do about a lot of modern media. This being an anti-porn environment, do you also apply this vilification to popular TV shows such as Game of Thrones, Westworld, True Blood, Rome, Orange is the New Black, The Tudors, Spartacus, etc etc etc etc.? It seems that practically every new show these days is filled with often graphic sex and nudity in order to get ratings, and what is that if not exploitation? That so many people view it, regardless of whether they 'just fast forward' or whatever, just supports it and tells the creators to make more. I've seen a few posts here that talk about how porn is everywhere, and about how girls are raised to think they're only good as sex objects. The increase of this kind of media just makes this more true. How can so many people not see it for what it is? I despise these shows and refuse to consume media with this content even if it would otherwise be interesting, and I have been called prudish or told I have self-esteem issues because of it. Which is far from the truth, but honestly what is wrong with being a prude (origin, old French, 'worthy or respectable woman')? I accept that mantle proudly. Or people also assume I don't like it because of some ingrained Christian shame, which again is far from the truth. Or I'm told that I just don't understand that those scenes are 'valuable to the plot' or 'art' or 'just human nature'. Or that it's 'empowerment', and any liberated progressive person should embrace it openly, and if you don't there's something wrong with you. No. Just because it's not on the obvious 'adult' channels doesn't mean it's not porn, and dressing up porn with a vivid story and costumes doesn't make it less harmful. In fact it just becomes more insidious! You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig! Anyone here feel the same way? I'm hoping that this is a place where I might find some commiseration instead of judgment - this is obviously my first time posting so please be nice.

Thanks and I'm looking forward to the rest of the comic.
Re: Relationship with modern media?
Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 1:38 pm
ok, first things first: porn =/= sex. porn is usually rape. sexual violence. which yes, a bunch of the shows you mentioned also explore. since I don't watch any of them - especially the ones that explore explicit rape and as part of the storyline - I won't comment on anything else, but please understand that sex will never be the same thing as porn.
Re: Relationship with modern media?
Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 1:41 pm
Selenastraquenaya wrote: ↑Wed Jul 31, 2019 10:38 am
Just because it's not on the obvious 'adult' channels doesn't mean it's not porn, and dressing up porn with a vivid story and costumes doesn't make it less harmful. In fact it just becomes more insidious! You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig! Anyone here feel the same way?
also yes. I feel like that's the case too.
Re: Relationship with modern media?
Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 11:43 pm
by pingupingu
The question is whether everything that depicts the horror of human history should be sanitized to avoid gratifying/glorifying/titillating viewers.
Re: Relationship with modern media?
Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:07 am
by RikkiTikkiTavi
Selenastraquenaya wrote: ↑Wed Jul 31, 2019 10:38 am
This being an anti-porn environment, do you also apply this vilification to popular TV shows such as Game of Thrones, Westworld, True Blood, Rome, Orange is the New Black, The Tudors, Spartacus, etc etc etc etc.? It seems that practically every new show these days is filled with often graphic sex and nudity in order to get ratings, and what is that if not exploitation?
I agree whole heartedly. There are plenty of ways to depict sex in a story line without showing every tit, slobbering mouth kiss, pelvic thrust, writhing bodies, and orgasmic screams. I think that Porn is not just violent sex - porn is anything that is created in order to cause sexual arousal in the consumer.
My basic definition of porn is whether it would be acceptable behavior in public. People can walk around naked in public in certain situations and this is fine (saunas, nude beaches, with friends, etc), but flaunting your naked body in a way designed to cause arousal in others is not. People can kiss in public and this is fine - displays of affection and love are wonderful to witness, but if they turn openly sexual and overtly arousing - Get A Room - or in other words, please don't display that where I am. Hugs and caresses and other physical displays of affection and flirting are great - but foreplay and sexual gratification do not belong in public.
That so many people view it, regardless of whether they 'just fast forward' or whatever, just supports it and tells the creators to make more. I've seen a few posts here that talk about how porn is everywhere, and about how girls are raised to think they're only good as sex objects. The increase of this kind of media just makes this more true. How can so many people not see it for what it is? I despise these shows and refuse to consume media with this content even if it would otherwise be interesting, and I have been called prudish or told I have self-esteem issues because of it.
I am guilty of the fast forward approach... and you know, you are right about this telling the creators to make more of it. I too should be refusing to consume this crap. Not only does this voice my opinion of the garbage, but it also protects me from the relentless pollution this kind of thing has on my inner views. I do not want to become calloused to the harm of pornography because I am subjected to micro amounts of it that seep through even when I fast forward.
but honestly what is wrong with being a prude (origin, old French, 'worthy or respectable woman')? I accept that mantle proudly.
Me too. Please allow me to join your respected club.
Re: Relationship with modern media?
Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:18 am
by RikkiTikkiTavi
pingupingu wrote: ↑Wed Jul 31, 2019 11:43 pm
The question is whether everything that depicts the horror of human history should be sanitized to avoid gratifying/glorifying/titillating viewers.
I don't think we have to avoid telling about the horrors. I think we just need to have a frank way of presenting them. There is quite a difference between a documentary and a 'docu-drama'. In one the goal is education. In the other the goal is to present the information in a titillating way in order to excite the viewer.
Some of that stuff is dreadful. I once found a little book in a pastor's office (I was the janitor) that supposedly talked about pedophilia. I read a few pages and while it did illustrate a few 'cases', it did so in a way that was obviously posed to excite the reader. It was pedophilia porn disguised as a 'helpful frank discussion'. It was the worst case of 'lipstick on a pig' I had ever run across.
So, let's tell stories to educate. Let's uplift the human condition instead of rolling in the filth.
Re: Relationship with modern media?
Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 1:10 pm
by The_Man
What with you people hating on porn anyway? Porn isn't rape. You can't rape the willing.
Whether it cartoon porn or real porn, or cartoon rape porn, none is illegal.
I prefer my porn all out and show all the flesh, tits, dicks, vagina, and ass.
But then again, I prefer cartoon anime porn anyway since the real stuff is too tame for me.
Re: Relationship with modern media?
Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 8:58 pm
by pingupingu
Could you be any more oblivious?
Re: Relationship with modern media?
Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 9:21 pm
The_Man wrote: ↑Fri Aug 02, 2019 1:10 pm
What with you people hating on porn anyway? Porn isn't rape. You can't rape the willing.
Whether it cartoon porn or real porn, or cartoon rape porn, none is illegal.
I prefer my porn all out and show all the flesh, tits, dicks, vagina, and ass.
But then again, I prefer cartoon anime porn anyway since the real stuff is too tame for me.
yeah you're a troll. porn is rape. and you're not welcomed here.
Re: Relationship with modern media?
Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 2:17 pm
by Selenastraquenaya
RikkiTikkiTavi wrote: ↑Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:07 am
Selenastraquenaya wrote: ↑Wed Jul 31, 2019 10:38 am
This being an anti-porn environment, do you also apply this vilification to popular TV shows such as Game of Thrones, Westworld, True Blood, Rome, Orange is the New Black, The Tudors, Spartacus, etc etc etc etc.? It seems that practically every new show these days is filled with often graphic sex and nudity in order to get ratings, and what is that if not exploitation?
I agree whole heartedly. There are plenty of ways to depict sex in a story line without showing every tit, slobbering mouth kiss, pelvic thrust, writhing bodies, and orgasmic screams. I think that Porn is not just violent sex - porn is anything that is created in order to cause sexual arousal in the consumer.
My basic definition of porn is whether it would be acceptable behavior in public. People can walk around naked in public in certain situations and this is fine (saunas, nude beaches, with friends, etc), but flaunting your naked body in a way designed to cause arousal in others is not. People can kiss in public and this is fine - displays of affection and love are wonderful to witness, but if they turn openly sexual and overtly arousing - Get A Room - or in other words, please don't display that where I am. Hugs and caresses and other physical displays of affection and flirting are great - but foreplay and sexual gratification do not belong in public.


First let me say thank you, this response really makes me feel like I'm not alone in this.
To me it's pandering to the basest appeal to get attention, which is an indication that the story isn't good enough on its own and they couldn't or didn't want to think of a more refined way to explore that area of drama. It's lazy 'johnbie'-level production that cheapens and debases the entire thing. Further, you don't normally see the men being sexualized (not that doing so would make it ok). It's almost always 'let's put all the women in unnecessarily skimpy clothing' or 'let's see how many T&A we can show per episode, especially naked ones' or 'during a sex act let's slowly pan over as much skin as possible, but only of the woman's body'. If they wanted to do it a different way, they would, and so the script is literally written with this exact intent. Women are not people here, they are parts for men (or lesbian women I suppose, although I would not expect that to be a target audience) to salivate over. The sole purpose is to create arousal, which makes it porn. That people don't notice or care, or that they just handwave it away saying things like 'oh that's not porn' or 'it's fine it's natural', has always confounded me. What do they think porn is then? Would they still feel the same way if it were their daughter on screen? Would they be fine with constant graphic depictions of other natural acts and images? Explosive diarrhea directly from an anus and picking at scabs is natural too, and you don't see that everywhere you look.

The underlying issue is that all media is public, even the sources you pay for, and therefore it's a public display of something that should not be public. If they (here meaning both creators and consumers) think explicit sex and nudity should be public, would they be fine doing these things outside or on camera themselves? Or again, if it were their daughter? Or if it were old or non-stereotypically-beautiful people? I doubt it.
RikkiTikkiTavi wrote: ↑Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:07 am
Selenastraquenaya wrote: ↑Wed Jul 31, 2019 10:38 am
That so many people view it, regardless of whether they 'just fast forward' or whatever, just supports it and tells the creators to make more. I've seen a few posts here that talk about how porn is everywhere, and about how girls are raised to think they're only good as sex objects. The increase of this kind of media just makes this more true. How can so many people not see it for what it is? I despise these shows and refuse to consume media with this content even if it would otherwise be interesting, and I have been called prudish or told I have self-esteem issues because of it.
I am guilty of the fast forward approach... and you know, you are right about this telling the creators to make more of it. I too should be refusing to consume this crap. Not only does this voice my opinion of the garbage, but it also protects me from the relentless pollution this kind of thing has on my inner views. I do not want to become calloused to the harm of pornography because I am subjected to micro amounts of it that seep through even when I fast forward.
"Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are." (Brillat-Savarin) I think this applies to everything in life, not just food. You 'eat' ideas, images, and other people's energy. It all becomes part of you, and affects your thoughts, which in turn affect your actions. Our lizard brains do not know the difference between reality and fiction; it's ALL real because an instant reaction is required when presented with an instinctual stimulus like sex or violence. The higher brain can filter as needed but the deeper effects have already occurred. You are absolutely right, it's pollution, of both individual minds and collective attitudes.
RikkiTikkiTavi wrote: ↑Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:07 am
Selenastraquenaya wrote: ↑Wed Jul 31, 2019 10:38 am
but honestly what is wrong with being a prude (origin, old French, 'worthy or respectable woman')? I accept that mantle proudly.
Me too. Please allow me to join your respected club.
I'm happy to know a like-minded person. It's not (should not be) an insult! Let's take it back!

Re: Relationship with modern media?
Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2019 12:00 pm
by CopperRose ... -Xbox.html ... 00806.html ... er-rapist/
I'm going to leave these here.
When sexual violence of any kind is glorified for shock value and views and/or downplayed for laughs whether it's a female or male victim for entertainment, we have cases like those above. There is a rape culture, people, stop denying it. Youth, these days, are getting their first sexual education on free porn sites and shows/movies/hentai that depicts sex in the darkest matter and it's getting them in trouble. Mom and dad doesn't know and can't tell jr. that "See savage cocks tear into tiny sluts or big dick bro slams into slutty sis" isn't how sex in the real world works. That the actors in the porn aren't really brother and sister, that you shouldn't even be playing that game. We need to start educating our youth again on what is real and what will put them in jail.
I agree that sex does not equal porn. Sex is a part of life and should not be vilified. Shows/Movies that show historical event where rape does happen shouldn't be censored but, shouldn't be glorified either. I believe we should tell the story as it is and make people aware to not repeat the past. Modern shows that have a lot of sex, people shouldn't get their hopes up that this how sex in the real world works. Seriously, common sense needs to make a come back.