Vaccinated and it feels so good

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Vaccinated and it feels so good

Post by Z6IIAB » Fri Jul 23, 2021 6:49 am

How about yall? I mean I just got my first shot, but it's half way there. Can't wait for Brazil to get 70% of its population fully vaccinated.
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Re: Vaccinated and it feels so good

Post by RikkiTikkiTavi » Sat Jul 24, 2021 3:45 am

Yay! Good for you!

I got my shot in May even though I am a very hesitant vaccine person - and for good reason. I react very strongly to vaccines and often with extreme skin reactions. Prior to Covid it had been almost 20 years since I had received a vaccine. So, I did my research and chose to have the Johnson and Johnson vaccine because it poses less of a skin reaction in most people.

Within 12 hours I had a fever which lasted a day - nothing higher than 100F. But I also had fatigue which lasted for almost 2 weeks, the first week so profound I was unable to work. I am still very happy to have had that shot.

And although my reasons for getting the shot are self serving- studies show you are much less likely to end up in the hospital if you do catch Covid and if you do, much less likely to die from it - I also want to be a good citizen of this planet and do what I can to protect others.

If you are worried about the shot - do your research. You will likely find that your risks from the shot are far less likely and far less severe than your risks from Covid.

By the way, a lot of people don't know that although the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are an mRNA type - the Johnson and Johnson is the same style of vaccine as in a flu shot. I know some people's reluctance to take a vaccine is because the mRNA is a new style of vaccine - but you have a choice, so do the J&J if you have doubts about the new kind. And also - there is a lot of press about extreme reactions to the vaccines such as stroke and heart inflammation - this does happen but at a very small percentage of the total people vaccinated. Again - do some research if you are concerned.

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Re: Vaccinated and it feels so good

Post by Z6IIAB » Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:53 pm

Having severe reactions to vaccines is a real reason to choose. Like in your case, or in the case of pregnant women, which a huge percent was shown to have severe bad reactions after one of the vaccines was given - I think it was Astrazeneca? I don't recall it. But the mRNA vaccines pose no treat because of its origins. Also, all vaccines have risks of colateral damage, but mostly to people with compromised immune systems or that are allergic to the vaccine's components, for example. It's proved that the benefits of vaccines far surpases the damages, and that a small percent of people are badly affected by the vaccine. Of course, it doesn't mean they can be approved regardless of proper testing to ensure they are safe. And they aren't approved unless they're safe. Vaccines goes throught rigorous test before being approved, scientists work on the articles, publish it, have it reviewed by peers, and no one is spared if they commit mistakes. The scientific community is usually very rigid when it comes to vaccines.

And there's nothing self-serving about vaccinating yourself, because you're not only protecting yourself, but protecting others, since vaccines do lower the risks of you being a transmitor of the virus as well. If a population gets to 70% of people vaccinated, you can protect the other 30% that haven't had the vaccine succesfully, that's the statistics, that's the goal for vaccination. Also, non-vaccinated people not only trasmit the virus but they end up giving it an environment to mutate and change, so 49% of unvaccinated people are like a virus lab (which is USA's case, if i'm not mistaken). That's how we get so many new variants. The vaccines we got so far are doing a good job, even regarding new variants they weren't tested on because those arose later, but if not enough people get vaccinated, we might end up with a strong variant of the virus that the vaccines we already got might do poorly against. So yeah... vaccination is not just about preserving our health, is about preserving everybody's health, and it's worth it.
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Tired Mama
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Re: Vaccinated and it feels so good

Post by Tired Mama » Sun Jul 25, 2021 7:40 am

Heck yes we got the jab in this house. My partner is in a vulnerable category for several reasons- not the least of which is compromised respiratory function- So we booked ourselves on for that sweet-sweet defense stab ASAP. Locally, we've reached a vaccination percentage where they're considering lifting- or at least relaxing- the mask mandate... but she's hesitant on that end, even with vaccines on board, and I can't really blame her. The masses as a whole are, by default, not a thing we trust to be sensible. It's probably gonna be a lot longer before we feel fully comfortable going out into the public, y'know?

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Re: Vaccinated and it feels so good

Post by Russly » Sun Jul 25, 2021 11:34 am

Okay yeah so I got the J&J for that exact reason. Also after doing Wim Hof type temperature stuff, I experienced no reaction to the vaccine.... The -reason- to avoid Pfizer is they're actually Monsanto under a new name.

Celina-- the problem is how people react emotionally to these stats. You know how it goes. Car crashes kill way more people than shark attacks but guess which one is more vivid in the mind? And so the media knows to play this up. There's more on this but long story short even the trapped miners a couple years ago got more publicity than the Florida building collapsing. My hunch is J&J does the job of screening virulent strains.

Mama-- half the people I know say corona is over and half don't. I told one guy it's too bad because corona 2, 3, and 4 are already out! ("Strain D"?) Anybody who doesn't wear a mask inside is asking for it. (Short of humanity just deciding to be stronger than corona.) If we're ever comfortable again, it will because people too antsy to unmask will have weeded themselves out!

In other news, I wanted to mention today's strip makes me wonder if D Man will take action against Tex's lady because she 'hurt' people while driving away. Also makes me think of M Scott Peck's take on the devil as androgynous....


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Re: Vaccinated and it feels so good

Post by Z6IIAB » Sun Jul 25, 2021 2:06 pm

Tired Mama wrote:
Sun Jul 25, 2021 7:40 am
Heck yes we got the jab in this house. My partner is in a vulnerable category for several reasons- not the least of which is compromised respiratory function- So we booked ourselves on for that sweet-sweet defense stab ASAP. Locally, we've reached a vaccination percentage where they're considering lifting- or at least relaxing- the mask mandate... but she's hesitant on that end, even with vaccines on board, and I can't really blame her. The masses as a whole are, by default, not a thing we trust to be sensible. It's probably gonna be a lot longer before we feel fully comfortable going out into the public, y'know?
I do.
Call me Celina. This forum still have a long way to go until it gets filled with its intended public. And I'll do my best to help us reach that goal. I'm a battleaxe, and when you hear my voice it'll be as loud as a thunder and as clear as a blue sky.

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Re: Vaccinated and it feels so good

Post by Z6IIAB » Sun Jul 25, 2021 2:24 pm

Russly wrote:
Sun Jul 25, 2021 11:34 am
Celina-- the problem is how people react emotionally to these stats. You know how it goes. Car crashes kill way more people than shark attacks but guess which one is more vivid in the mind? And so the media knows to play this up. There's more on this but long story short even the trapped miners a couple years ago got more publicity than the Florida building collapsing. My hunch is J&J does the job of screening virulent strains.
I'm just saying you should NOT be picky with the vaccines unless if you have a REAL health issue. Otherwise, you're taking away vaccines from people who need and being a selfish dumb motherfucker, to be perfectly clear. Got it? I do know people are being emotional regarding the vaccines especially because of anti-vaxx propaganda. That pisses me off. Scientists should have done a better job at divulgating science, that's why we got pseudosciences to thrive so much. But being ignorant is not an excuse to put other people's lives at risk and be selfish. We need at least 70% of the population to get vaccinated so we can protect everyone. In USA, you guys only got 51% of the country (and I don't even know if it's the full vaccination or just the first dose), and you're breeding new variants already. It's so upsetting. Please, do NOT be picky out of lies and distortions of information.

And just so we're clear, USA is EXTREMELY privileged, yall bought A LOT of vaccines, you even got a surplus - and are donating some of the ones that about to EXPIRE bc at least you got the notion that you bought too much and took it away from other countries. But it's only because they're about to expire, that really pisses me off as well. There are countries like mine that NEED them and aren't being able to get it - either due bad government management or due to lack of product. We are getting vaccines that are about to expire and we're trying to not be picky, but unfortunately we got picky idiots here too. People can NOT be like that, it's not only their live on the line.

So STOP being a picky selfish brat and just take the vaccine that's avaiable, they're all good, and if you get side effects I'm SURE they won't be as awful as having the disease and won't give you any long lasting problems. Also, the vaccines not taken are gonna EXPIRE, have I mentioned that? I did right? Please understand that. Hundreds of thousands of perfectly good vaccines that could save lives in USA and other countries are going to the dump bc of emotional idiots that believed some lie about the vaccines being bad to their health even thought those people have ZERO immunedeficiencies, allergies to the ingredients or any other ACTUAL issue with the vaccine.

Jfc, being a dumb adult is NOT an excuse to pick a vaccine and reject what's avaiable, I can not stress this enough!!

Just think about how HORRIBLE it is that you're denying people in need vaccines because you're an asshole that refused to take it out of wrong assumptions. Think about it, okey. And start telling people to NOT be picky. They can't afford that luxury, and they shouldn't.
Call me Celina. This forum still have a long way to go until it gets filled with its intended public. And I'll do my best to help us reach that goal. I'm a battleaxe, and when you hear my voice it'll be as loud as a thunder and as clear as a blue sky.

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Re: Vaccinated and it feels so good

Post by Russly » Tue Jul 27, 2021 3:35 pm

I'm not really all that about the anti vax life but I guess I understand people can get caught up in it. Newton's Third Law and all that. Yeah it certainly is sad to see here because it's blown up to a dangerous point. It also sucks to hear that there are intergovernmental issues at hand by this point.

Perhaps the pseudoscience is clinging to the pickiness as a way to denounce all vaccines somehow. Also with the governments I wonder whether they could predict who will be picky as to at least circumvent some of the current loss? Hm.

Also on today's strip I will say I love how Tat really will just take all these characters and then put them through some pretty rough times. Cleaned out the shop welp.


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Re: Vaccinated and it feels so good

Post by Z6IIAB » Wed Jul 28, 2021 12:15 pm

Russly wrote:
Tue Jul 27, 2021 3:35 pm
I'm not really all that about the anti vax life but I guess I understand people can get caught up in it. Newton's Third Law and all that. Yeah it certainly is sad to see here because it's blown up to a dangerous point. It also sucks to hear that there are intergovernmental issues at hand by this point.

Perhaps the pseudoscience is clinging to the pickiness as a way to denounce all vaccines somehow. Also with the governments I wonder whether they could predict who will be picky as to at least circumvent some of the current loss? Hm.
All good points
Russly wrote:
Tue Jul 27, 2021 3:35 pm
Also on today's strip I will say I love how Tat really will just take all these characters and then put them through some pretty rough times. Cleaned out the shop welp.

I don't usually care about us respeting the spaces for each discussion, but since this subject has nothing to do at all with this topic, i'd say you make a new post on the sinfest comic discussion session, because i like discussing the comic but here is definetly not the place for it lololol no worries tho
Call me Celina. This forum still have a long way to go until it gets filled with its intended public. And I'll do my best to help us reach that goal. I'm a battleaxe, and when you hear my voice it'll be as loud as a thunder and as clear as a blue sky.

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Re: Vaccinated and it feels so good

Post by Russly » Wed Jul 28, 2021 12:55 pm

Yeah kind of borderline spoilers I admit lol. Just can never bring myself to make a new post for only a sentence or two... will work on that haha.


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Re: Vaccinated and it feels so good

Post by Z6IIAB » Thu Jul 29, 2021 1:02 pm

Russly wrote:
Wed Jul 28, 2021 12:55 pm
Yeah kind of borderline spoilers I admit lol. Just can never bring myself to make a new post for only a sentence or two... will work on that haha.

Thank you ^^!
Call me Celina. This forum still have a long way to go until it gets filled with its intended public. And I'll do my best to help us reach that goal. I'm a battleaxe, and when you hear my voice it'll be as loud as a thunder and as clear as a blue sky.

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Re: Vaccinated and it feels so good

Post by Russly » Thu Jul 29, 2021 6:01 pm

You're welcome! Spoiler, I felt today's strip quite a bit!


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