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Post by RikkiTikkiTavi » Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:15 am

Probably some would have glossed over such a discovery, but I think she dodged a bullet. ... all-a-lie/

In the past I thought that a man who consumed porn was the rule... something that just had to be tolerated. Now I think that kind of choice is as much of an addiction as any other drug.

(I know she did not make her choice due to a radical feminist view, but it illustrates the kind of conviction to principles one needs)

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Post by Z6IIAB » Fri Oct 05, 2018 12:46 pm

I think porn addiction did become a norm amongst young men and even children. Cause it's so easy to access, and children arent really taught about sex and sexuality in a proper open manner. I think it's more prabable women and men become porn addicts and even into prostitution coming from conservative homes than otherwise, exactly cause they think that's what being "free" means; sadly porn and religious fundamentalism are opposite sides of the same patriarcal coin.
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Post by RikkiTikkiTavi » Sun Oct 07, 2018 3:15 pm

I think you are right about rebellion against a conservative upbringing fueling plenty of porn and prostitution.

Unfortunately I think that early exposure also fuels the addiction. A brain that is still forming can be warped around some very harmful stuff. That might be more likely in a home that does not have restrictions. I hate to couch that as liberal or conservative - all it takes is neglectful or distracted parenting to allow unrestricted access to the internet. Of course children being the scheming little tykes they are can make there way past even vigilant parenting.

Of course where do we draw the line? I don't usually watch TV so I don't often see what is on tap in programming and commercials. Was pet sitting over this weekend and watched the TV. Lots of reinforcement of the 'norm' in advertising. Lots of objectification and role playing.

Considering all this crap, I suppose the only way you can defend a child is to arm them with knowledge. They are going to be exposed to it. If you succeed in blocking all exposure then you are just creating a weak adult. I guess block as much as you can and teach them strong values.

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Post by Z6IIAB » Mon Oct 08, 2018 8:12 pm

Sure. Denial of proper sex education and being unable to seek support and understanding with your parents will ensue a porn-hired mind to act as programmed. Which is more probable in a conservative home than in a liberal home. I believe it's less about controlling what your kids access on the internet and more about moderating it. Not saying you should watch porn with a kid, tbh you should never watch porn. But the interest in porn is more about their budding sexuality than with porn itself so, that subject must NOT be taboo.
Call me Celina. This forum still have a long way to go until it gets filled with its intended public. And I'll do my best to help us reach that goal. I'm a battleaxe, and when you hear my voice it'll be as loud as a thunder and as clear as a blue sky.

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Post by havocsmom » Tue Nov 27, 2018 2:03 pm

So... are any of us (besides me) old enough and poor enough that our parents had sex where we could hear them? Because, honestly, I never had any interest in pornography nor did my husband whose parents were much younger than mine. It's only the unknown or forbidden that captures our attention. If happy, consensual sex between adults is a regular part of the household, then there's no taboo and no need for pornography. It's simply the commercialism of a freely available resource. Why would that be? Hmmm...Industrial Revolution.....think, think, think
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Post by havocsmom » Tue Nov 27, 2018 2:11 pm

So... are any of us (besides me) old enough and poor enough that our parents had sex where we could hear them? Because, honestly, I never had any interest in pornography nor did my husband whose parents were much younger than mine. It's only the unknown or forbidden that captures our attention. If happy, consensual sex between adults is a regular part of the household, then there's no taboo and no need for pornography. It's simply the commercialism of a freely available resource. Why would that be? Hmmm...Industrial Revolution.....think, think, think
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Post by RikkiTikkiTavi » Thu Nov 29, 2018 6:04 am

havocsmom, that is an interesting thought. My childhood was completely devoid of knowledge of parental intimacy. In fact my mother was so private in this regard I have never seen her naked. That definitely made me curious and turned even simple nudity into something taboo.

Of course then there is the opposite side of things where there is an inappropriate exposure to parental sex, such as the case of the Paskowitz surfing family (parents having sex in full view of the children).

Our formative years need the middle ground in practically everything. Forbid sugar to your children and they are probably more likely to seek it out when they get a chance. No tv ever and how can that child learn discernment of viewing habits.

We have a chance when a child is growing to strengthen them through strategic exposure to those things that can cause them harm. In your case that came from indirect exposure to normal sexual activity.

I think just an exposure to the ideas through frank and open conversations could also help children avoid this addiction.

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