My Phone Screen Cracked

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Joined:Thu Jul 12, 2018 2:04 am
My Phone Screen Cracked

Post by Russly » Sat Jul 31, 2021 12:09 pm

And here's why it doesn't matter. (Even the people around me lined up in the period of writing this so far....) I have a replacement screen.

Now, for every deep and interesting metaphor I could get into here, in the end I still ran out of weed just now. My screen is still cracked at the moment, and my life remains dismal. In fact I'm hard pressed to find any reason to find joy in anything whatsoever. The universe has made clear we are trapped in Hell (read: pain exists) and gone so far as to oust me if anything.

Where does this leave me? I'm exiled, yet free. If that is freedom. Even these monologues get tainted in the process, surely even this sentence. I think I've hit a breaking point, thankfully not the brink of insanity yet whatever passes for depersonalization these days. I don't believe this is getting any better.

Where do we go with this? If my life crumbles, it is out of insignificance. Whatever doesn't kill you makes you more stubborn. I don't know. I feel queasy at the thought of the future existing. How many cows die per second? What even is humanity? This is not a humble path I trode.


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Re: My Phone Screen Cracked

Post by RikkiTikkiTavi » Tue Aug 03, 2021 3:51 am

Those are some deep dark thoughts and it does sound like you are on the down slope of this part of the roller coaster. But we all know about roller coasters and they are a wild ride.

But since I am seeing this days after you wrote it you are no doubt somewhere else and I am talking to just the ripples of the ghost of the thoughts that were part of your journey.

We have this thing called a brain and somehow - and here we are not at all very sure why and not sure exactly where it exists, but - we have this mind. So our mind is not our brain but obviously it is influenced by it - but it is also very much influenced by our gut. Literally the intestines influence the mind in extraordinary ways. So we can say that our mind is 'embodied' - or heavily influenced by the workings of the body it is in.

So maybe eat a cookie - or if you have been eating a lot of cookies, maybe eat some protein.

And another thing that influences the mind is the mind itself. Too much introspection and looking at the little picture leads us to spiraling inward to a single narrow point. Not an easy place to be. Too much extrapolation and looking at the large picture leads us to spreading out until we are thinner than an onion skin. Not an easy place to be.

So maybe stop thinking - or maybe distract yourself with something that isn't very serious - maybe in these times you need to think about a cookie.

Joined:Thu Jul 12, 2018 2:04 am

Re: My Phone Screen Cracked

Post by Russly » Tue Aug 03, 2021 4:43 pm

Ripples yes, though Celina messaged me a couple days earlier so not all is lost in the abyss....

To be totally honest I have been lamenting the pro life agenda because chances are their minds are really that filled with fetus pictures rather than starving mom pictures. This relates merely in that we are subject to forces related to our brain and gut and so on, and notice I say those in the singular! Currently I have been improving my situation a little bit yes, and thanks to the protein and not the cookie (plant protein too...)!

The mind itself.... To allow a solitude which gives the opportunity to even extrapolate on such intricacies as those plumbed along the deep mind is no instant feat. Complexity, eternity, enigma and other such big words will seamlessly jam that kind of enlightenment. My issues in more direct terms have to do with, well, religious affairs.... Something having to do with the universe rather than God.

Miscellaneous thoughts on the comic. Dezombification: when and where? To the Lethe with them I say! Unfortunately one 'law' of mass media stipulates how fringe tends toward the mainstream-- in essence, the more baby jokes and such, the more that gets bought into. South Park touches on this with the troll arc and -then- Trump stuff. Lest Tat ironically contribute to the problem with too many rulethirtyfourable strips.... Hail and hosannah he seems to be taking the comic somewhere as each year progresses!

Tl;dr: I've been told to have a cookie, donut, ice cream, etc. every other day for months even when in an okay state of mind-- always with the "it's only once in a blue moon" type line. It's but one example in a series of topsy turvy events for me these days....


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