I'll patiently wait for more people to join in the new forum
and ugh, yes! like, if you don't like the comic anymore it's not your place to force the artist to change his mind??? go read another comic! plus, yeah, they complain about anything that's not lib, it's so annoying. I'm glad we have a new forum!October wrote: it seemed like a lot of what I was reading were people asking the artist to change his viewpoint, and/or complaining about the comic.
hello chiclet \o! welcome ^^! oh, please talk \o that's why we're all here \o! what do you mean by hard hitting? If I'm honest I got used to it being focused mainly on the political stuff... Idk why tho \ochiclet wrote:*waves silently from the back*
Been reading the comic forever it feels like and while I miss some of the older characters and plots, I find the "new" direction to be really hard hitting at times and it makes me think. I'm not much of a talker but figured if I was going to go to the trouble of registering to a forum to read, I could at least say hi
This. Couldn't agree with you more!...its stopped focusing as much on story telling and started to comment more heavily on social and political issues, and in this day and age with the rise of fascists and white supremacy, i appreciate the daily reminder of things i should be thinking more about and kicking back against.
I AGREE! Welcome \o!Crowgoddess wrote:Radfems are needed right now, more than ever. It's nice of Tat to expressly point it out, too.