Goodness. If someone is not all that welcoming, it's you.
I mean, you've even attacked people for not "correctly posting the comic on forum", which I believe has no link to radical feminism that I can think of.
Also got to love the "your reasons for doing things that I perceive as other things are horsesh*t, but I don't kinda mind" and then I'm the one using sarcasm.
'Cose lets be honest here. You want me, anyone even remotely like me and basically every single person who even doubts radical feminism out of here. Or has differing views on how it operates even...
Many more on the forum no doubt will agree with that, but many of them also can and will hold decent conversations about the matter. That's admirable. It's hard to be strongly of one mind to suffer the existance of any other.
Heck, even if I'm not radical, I'm far from enemy. I really do like the comic, I think it brings up many good points and issues. But yeah... As long as I'm not 100% with you, I'm afraid I will remain an enemy to you in your mind and for that, for what it's worth, I'm sorry.