March 9, 2021: Narrative 11

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March 9, 2021: Narrative 11

Post by SinfestReader » Tue Mar 09, 2021 2:11 am


Even Seuss changed his tone as the world woke up from this crap. His later books blatantly promote cooperation, acceptances of differences, etc... Some people decided to stop printing a few of his many books that promoted hate. He grew up. They grew up.

You demand equality in one hand, disparage bigotry and violence, and attack people who are trying to reach that point in the other.

Do you not see the fucking irony in arguing for better treatment of some, but not all?

The materials that promote bigotry, hate, racism, etc... need to be brought down. We have to show that we don't accept that kind of thing any more. It is the stuff of museums.

Go read up on Starbelly Sneeches. I'm pretty sure Seuss would have canceled his own printing. People can recognize and learn from their mistakes.

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Re: March 9, 2021: Narrative 11

Post by RKA » Tue Mar 09, 2021 5:33 am

Indeed, thank you for saying it.

The most recent printing of one of the handful of books that the author's estate is pulling from publication was almost 20 years ago, the next most recent was almost 40 years. Nobody pressured them to do this, they decided on their own in keeping with the change and spirit of the man himself that he wouldn't want some of his works that portrayed hurtful themes or illustrations to be used anymore. Nobody pressured them into this or threatened them.

This is such a weird and, frankly, biased depiction of this event, its like the Fox News alternate version of reality. I think it shows the author has an embarrassingly shallow and biased idea or interpretation of what even happened, but wants to portray it as fitting his pre-existing narrative of "both sides are terrible and oppressive" (which I dont deny has some truth in relation to the treatment of women, but has nothing to do with this) and this bullsh*t fear of "cancel culture"

Im shocked he's not going off on the Potatohead stuff instead (oh no! Plastic potatoes aren't being assigned genders when given to kids as toys! probably another "woke" conspiracy by those evil trans people *sarcasm mode*)

The reality of the Dr Seuss "issue" is that it's like if Tat himself decided not to publish some of the early Sinfest strips into print books anymore because he didn't like the specific misogynistic messages and themes he had in his writing and art back then, those that directly conflicted with the views and beliefs he wanted to share and spread with his work after growing as a person
I love the art of Sinfest and, whether I agree or disagree with some or all of the message on any given day, how it challenges me to consider and reflect upon my own views and the world around me

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Re: March 9, 2021: Narrative 11

Post by jam3 » Tue Mar 09, 2021 10:19 am

While I agree with the presentation in the comments here... (that this is an action by the company and not the media or political left, and that it is being played up by Fox News, and that Geisel had objectionable work that he was not proud of later in life) have you actually looked at some of the books being pulled from print? It isn't the obviously objectionable political cartoons that you might be thinking of or that Geisel was not proud of. In some cases, the graphics had already been modified to remove stereotypes (which hadn't been objectionable like some of his earlier political work had been in any case).

The biggest problem with his work is the lack of representation of minorities. But that is a usual problem for people of that time and is not fixed by removing books from publication.

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Re: March 9, 2021: Narrative 11

Post by jam3 » Tue Mar 09, 2021 10:22 am

Here is a blog post giving a take and an example. ... diversity/

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Re: March 9, 2021: Narrative 11

Post by RKA » Wed Mar 10, 2021 5:13 am

"Im shocked he's not going off on the Potatohead stuff instead (oh no! Plastic potatoes aren't being assigned genders when given to kids as toys! probably another "woke" conspiracy by those evil trans people *sarcasm mode*)"

Well, today's comic is up and turns out I'm not so shocked after all :roll:
I love the art of Sinfest and, whether I agree or disagree with some or all of the message on any given day, how it challenges me to consider and reflect upon my own views and the world around me

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Re: March 9, 2021: Narrative 11

Post by Vancore » Wed Mar 10, 2021 3:09 pm

Well right now it's conservative propaganda using the cancellation of 6 books to attack the woke cancel culture left.

In the past it though Dr Suess has been attacked for his racist past and people have tried to 'Cancel' him from schools at least, so the comic is pretty true to form.

But the true benefitters from this whole fiasco have been the corporation that owns Dr Suess. Not only do they get to stop printing 6 books that were not well known, they have been selling out like hot cakes. In the money. People freak out, and suddenly they are selling out, print them dollars!

It's scary as hell seeing this, businesses will use this 'Division' technique as long as their making cash. Wonder how the gender neutral thing is gonna go with Mr potato head, betting their gonna sell like hot cakes to a bunch of people who just the day before couldn't care less for Mr Potato Head. What's next? What's really going to be the long term effects of using this advertising technique for the nations that use it?

Honestly I'm not sure, maybe this is just me realizing I'm now old and these new fangle ideas are going to be trouble. Maybe the nation will be just fine while our government decides to be a sports team and businesses use new tactics to divide people up for profit by using their Anger. Bleh.

Thanks for the political comics Tat, they were fun.

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Re: March 9, 2021: Narrative 11

Post by Z6IIAB » Thu Mar 11, 2021 7:18 pm

It's funny how this forum is turning out exactly like the old one. Filled with haters that make such an effort to misunderstand every single strip. Guess it's as useless as the older one.
Call me Celina. This forum still have a long way to go until it gets filled with its intended public. And I'll do my best to help us reach that goal. I'm a battleaxe, and when you hear my voice it'll be as loud as a thunder and as clear as a blue sky.

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Re: March 9, 2021: Narrative 11

Post by SinfestReader » Fri Mar 12, 2021 4:47 pm

People who see differently are haters. Yet you prowl over this forum spreading hate.

Also if things are happening the same way again, maybe everyone else isn't the issue.

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