Transpeople are people too ^_^

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Joined:Sun Mar 12, 2023 7:50 am
Transpeople are people too ^_^

Post by PhoenixGirl » Mon Mar 13, 2023 9:13 pm

Goodday everyone,

First, english is not my native tongue, so please see the message, not the language mistakes.

I think I can called myself a pretty tolerant and open-minded left-wing girl.

For example the 2023-03-09 post was really hilarious.

I'm a Sinfest fan from the begin. I read it since today even if I'm not agree with everything on this webcomic.

But, the today comic (2023-03-14), it's not just meh or unfunny, it's dehumanization.

Transpeople are not pedophils nor monsters, they are just human being like you.

Also, the fake assault scene is particularly questionnable considering the fact that this group of people just happen to experience a lot of violence.

You shouldn't be afraid of them, society in general is far more dangerous to them than these people are to you.

Please, be open too and keep this theard of discussion on your forum.

In conclusion, have a nice day by the way because this kind of views doesn't invalidate your value as human being.

With love,

" Love Your Neighbor As Yourself "

Seamus Whyte
Joined:Sat Mar 19, 2022 11:15 am

Re: Transpeople are people too ^_^

Post by Seamus Whyte » Sun Mar 19, 2023 11:27 am

PhoenixGirl, Good to see someone willing to speak out on things that concern them. I agree with your view on trans people. Also, what was posted in the comic misrepresents the lived experience of trans people. Great to see someone willing to say what you said and share it on this forum. I hope to hear more of your comments soon.

Joined:Thu Jul 12, 2018 2:04 am

Re: Transpeople are people too ^_^

Post by Russly » Tue May 09, 2023 8:13 am

It is well known that the guy has gone off the deep end on the topic and people who post about it in the forum used to be sitting ducks for the vultures until not even the vultures bother because they're already so contained in a silo. The man just operates on that high a level. I can't even take these kinds of topics seriously now because it's just a matter of referring to when people last broke down over this!


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