January 25-28, 2000: Matriarchy 1,2,& 3 (A Retrospective)

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Re: January 25-28, 2000: Matriarchy 1,2,& 3 (A Retrospective)

Post by RKA » Sun May 23, 2021 5:32 am

RikkiTikkiTavi wrote:
Sat May 22, 2021 6:52 am
I have seen sources and statements that identify women as a list of 'behaviors' and 'clothing worn' and 'a feeling' - and there are so many misogynistic posts - and there is the whole 'definition of terf' as basically any woman who has anything critical to say regarding the TRA. And now women are being called 'non-trans women'. And any girl who likes the things a boy likes - who does not want to demonstrate 'femininity' is actually trans and needs surgery. But you are claiming all of them must be 'fringe' and not 'reputable members'.

These statements happen - this theme exists - there is not a basis of disagreement that could be reasonable. I do not need to provide proof of every instance because your statement does not invalidate my experience.
And I'm asking you to point to ONE, if they exist and are so common as to be THE theme of trans movement describing women, that should be easy right? I mean you make another pretty sweeping statement, that "any girl" who breaks with traditional/stereotypical femininity is being told she's trans now, an example? of anything LIKE that? You say it's the mainstream of the movement's message, not hte fringe, so again an actual EXAMPLE should be easy to provide. Or is it just hypothetical hyperbole? Ideas you have of what the message is and how you see it based on your preconceptions and beliefs about what it means to be trans and what they want from and for others
I love the art of Sinfest and, whether I agree or disagree with some or all of the message on any given day, how it challenges me to consider and reflect upon my own views and the world around me

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Re: January 25-28, 2000: Matriarchy 1,2,& 3 (A Retrospective)

Post by RikkiTikkiTavi » Sun May 23, 2021 11:12 am

RKA wrote:
Sun May 23, 2021 5:32 am
RikkiTikkiTavi wrote:
Sat May 22, 2021 6:52 am
I have seen sources and statements that identify women as a list of 'behaviors' and 'clothing worn' and 'a feeling' - and there are so many misogynistic posts - and there is the whole 'definition of terf' as basically any woman who has anything critical to say regarding the TRA. And now women are being called 'non-trans women'. And any girl who likes the things a boy likes - who does not want to demonstrate 'femininity' is actually trans and needs surgery. But you are claiming all of them must be 'fringe' and not 'reputable members'.

These statements happen - this theme exists - there is not a basis of disagreement that could be reasonable. I do not need to provide proof of every instance because your statement does not invalidate my experience.
And I'm asking you to point to ONE, if they exist and are so common as to be THE theme of trans movement describing women, that should be easy right? I mean you make another pretty sweeping statement, that "any girl" who breaks with traditional/stereotypical femininity is being told she's trans now, an example? of anything LIKE that? You say it's the mainstream of the movement's message, not hte fringe, so again an actual EXAMPLE should be easy to provide. Or is it just hypothetical hyperbole? Ideas you have of what the message is and how you see it based on your preconceptions and beliefs about what it means to be trans and what they want from and for others
Let's see. What initially brought your reaction to my post was this statement:
Funny enough the strips are eerily similar to the stereotypical theme of what the trans movement seems to think of women.
And you responded with this:
Uh... what? I'm curious what sources or statements led you to draw that conclusion about the trans movement because I've not seen that as part of the message from any reputable member of the community or advocacy group... well, other than Kaitlyn Jenner, who has always been something of a misogynist from what I understand
And I responded with a general 'sources and statements' that now you have conflated into:
...THE theme of trans movement describing women...
Where did I say that? I talked about how fringe elements become problematic so that even if they are not the 'main movement' they become the same thing in the public eye.

I do admit my 'any girl' statement was more hyperbole and style - but the personal accounts of de-trans youths - the quickness of prescriptions of hormones to children and young adults - sometimes on the first visit to clinics - the flippant way some plastic surgeons speak of removing young women's breasts - the overwhelming numbers of girls and women having rapid onset gender dysphoria: "This newer presentation — which has been termed late-, adolescent-, or rapid-onset gender dysphoria — has now been seen in every gender clinic in the western world, and there has been a huge surge in the number of cases. One recent US survey found a 4000% increase (over 40-fold) since 2006" (You can read that article here
https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/949842 and the quote is found on page 2)

So yes, I am so disturbed by this 4000% increase in this what has been called social contagion - that yes- I did slip into hyperbole - but not hypothetical - this is horrible and all of us should be alarmed. An increasing number of these women desisting from their trans claims within a few years and they post frequently about their regret. Check out YouTube for many such sad tales.

I do not have conversations with citations as if my opinion is invalid and must be proven. You do not wish to have a conversation. Instead, you want to police my statement (as if you are an authority *citation needed*) - a relatively innocuous statement at that regarding stereotypical ideation of women in the trans movement. Which includes the fringe elements - remember - we are not dissecting things in a lab - this is the real world filled with all the news sources - not just the ones you think are fair and just.

You have jumped into a comic thread about stereotypical depictions of women and have taken offense to a general statement. Congratulations.

If you want to talk about trans issues - let's talk about how this 4000% increase in girls and young women having rapid onset gender dysphoria is affecting the trans movement. Do you think this huge surge might be a problem? Do you think that the actual trans women and men are somehow being swamped by this unnatural upsurge that can only be explained as 'social contagion'.

I think the trans movement is very problematic - not because I dislike trans people. The trans people I know are just humans shouldering a very hard burden and doing the best they can.

The trans rights movement - not a fan. The TRA has a lot of bad fringe - lots of people wanting to make money (puberty blockers for the kiddies, lack of proper screening for those seeking SRS, etc.) - seems to me that lawsuits will be coming. Seems to me the popularity may come to an end - and maybe soon.

And that in my opinion would be a very good thing for the actual trans people - which prior to all the press has always been a very modest number.

Joined:Thu Jul 12, 2018 2:04 am

Re: January 25-28, 2000: Matriarchy 1,2,& 3 (A Retrospective)

Post by Russly » Fri May 28, 2021 5:42 pm

Absolutely that some trans folk are really just taking the farce of it.... And this is a problem in that it means we can't subject any individual to critique yet the movement and demographic still faces the fiercest blowback imaginable. Beyond Steven Universe fandom level. I certainly know some in the trans world who truly make a difference and I also know some who bring shame to the title. I have more on this, in any event, funny how it works this way, huh?


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