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Joined:Thu Jul 12, 2018 2:04 am

Post by Russly » Fri Nov 18, 2022 10:06 am

We wonder.


Joined:Thu Jul 12, 2018 2:04 am

Re: Sacred

Post by Russly » Sun Nov 20, 2022 10:19 am

Unfortunately a trans minister in one of the Universalist churches I go to mentioned a Colorado Springs shooting at a trans club yesterday. Perhaps we've gone too far? Personally I do think plenty of people are misusing the ability to be trans, for argument's sake I'll say about half of the trans population. The half using it for their own gain are doing so at the expense of both them and the half that is rather sincere. Especially if the half that is sincere is composed mainly of people with natural differences rather than with pills or surgical additions.

Church has differences of sorts, the trans people I meet in the UU church world are out there. The old ones tend not to be of the surgical addition kind, from earlier feminist waves, a few brave young ones from the 'trendy' half have braved our churches on occasion too. (I was born into Unitarian Universalism, some of the most overly pronoun clarifier types around.) As I have mentioned there are a few instances of the concept of gender being misused in the first place. It's meant for words to get masculine and feminine distinction, and had nothing to do with people. Then someone must have discovered that gender can be applied to gender itself like how it only took Jimmy Carter's one mention of the word apartheid in the context of jews for a whole attitude to take off lmao. Idk if I believe it but sure is a hilarious thought.


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